Monday, May 24, 2010

Energy to run!

Last week, I was at a friend's house. Her son and my son Tyler were riding bikes together down her street. The kids were supposed to race to the fire hydrant that was a little way down the road and stop. Tyler apparently didn't hear this bit of crucial instruction and kept going. He didn't hear me when I yelled stop. So I ran after him. I ran down the street, caught up to him, had him stop and turn back towards the house. My friend commented that it's a good thing I've been running lately because I ran super fast and wasn't even out of breath. She's right, I didn't even think about that! Before AdvoCare, I think I would have been huffing and puffing and sitting on the pavement after a little run uphill like that.

I run a lot with Tyler lately. He drives his power wheels jeep to the playground on high-speed and I have to jog to keep up with him. And when we're at the playground, I don't usually sit on a bench anymore. I chase him around and play with him. It's incredible to feel this way!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My old addiction

I wrote this a couple years ago during undergrad. It was published in Cornish's literary magazine called "Birds and Whistles":

"I used to only drink socially but it became more of a necessity as the stresses of daily life increased. I attend an art school full time, I have two freelance jobs, and I have a baby at home. He wakes in the night and when I wake up in the morning, I have to have a drink just to get a start on my day. My habit is draining my bank account. I chew gum after I drink so my husband doesn't know I had been drinking. I drink alone most of the time, often while driving. On many late nights at school, I am at the theatre until midnight. I drink much more on those days. And I'm not the only one with this problem. Many of my fellow classmates drink together after one person is sent out to buy drinks and returns to school with them. My teachers drink with us as well. I've been drinking so much recently, I start with four shots and I don't even feel it. I've tried to quit in the past, but the withdrawal symptoms are horrible, especially the headaches. I just can't quit cold turkey like that. I was able to really cut down during my pregnancy, but even then I just had to sneak in a drink every once in a while, but it was usually decaf. It's horrible how much I love coffee."

That was how addicted to coffee I used to be! I now drink coffee maybe once a week, if that. (And only because I still like the taste every so often.) Instead I have found AdvoCare Spark. It's a sugar-free, 45 calorie energy drink full of vitamins and amino acids. I feel so much better drinking Spark than coffee. It's a different kind of energy. It clears the cobwebs from my brain and makes me feel alert all day. I have the energy to workout in the morning, to run and play with my 4 year old, to spend a good chunk of my day promoting my AdvoCare business and organizing a women's networking group, and then I go to class at night and maintain a 4.0 in Grad school. I've lost almost 40 lbs and 3 pant sizes since starting on AdvoCare products. (I'll talk more about my other favorite products in future blogs.) Please visit my website if you'd like to learn more, about the products or the business. I feel like I'm doing my own personal Biggest Loser competition. The more weight I lose, the more money I make! My friends and family tell me I look fabulous and they start ordering products, fall in love with them as much as I have, and then sign up to be on my team. It's been really fun helping everyone meet their health and financial goals!
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