Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 2 Day 3 ~ 4 miles!

BFF and I "ran" 4 miles on the Centennial Trail on Saturday.  Very flat stretch of paved trail.  2 miles in until BFF's Garmin beeped, and then 2 miles back.  I put "ran" in quotes because we did intervals.  We did my favorite HIIT It 11 minute mix on Rock My Run over and over.  We'd walk/run/walk/run.  I would have preferred to run more but BFF didn't start training like she was supposed to and I figured I wouldn't beat her up as much as I could have.  I'm also still trying to train my dog Athena to not dart in front of us and kill us. (My face almost hit the pavement once!)  I even allowed us to run the shorter walk portions to make it even easier.  (I know you're reading this!  You have two weeks lady!  I won't be so nice on our next run!  You better get to training!) 

So here's some little comics that BFF put on her blog ...(

So, here's us, all stoked to run for our half

 And here's my thought bubble...

... and her thought bubble.

Hold on.  She thinks I "really enjoy running"!?!?  Do people truly enjoy running?  Running sucks.  My back hurts, my plantarfasciitis in my left foot flares up, my hips hurt.... etc... etc... While I don't have the "can't breathe, gonna die.." feeling anymore since I've worked my ass off for so long, my cardio is pretty good now.  I'm definitely not the happy runner my BFF has drawn.  I do however, want to run faster.  Not because I enjoy running fast, but because I want this painful hell to be over as soon as humanly possible.  I also think it's really fun to try to beat my previous PR.  It makes my run a game and it makes it tolerable.  AND I really enjoy getting outside in the fresh air, and going for a run or a ride on my bike is wonderful for that.  BFF keeps saying she wants to run on a track but I love these nice wooded trails.  You can say hello to fellow runners and cyclists and the scenery is nice.  Like I've said in previous posts, the Pacific NW is truly beautiful. 
Here's an awesome quote I found on Pinterest that perfectly describes me...
I truly wish something would switch in my BFF's brain to make her feel the same way so I didn't have to literally drag her along.  Right now all she thinks about is losing weight and feels like she's stuck, and can't.  I wish she'd look around and appreciate what an amazing life we live, and the amazing things our bodies can do if you put your mind to it.  The weight comes off as a side effect when you take care of yourself. 
Me, Athena, and BFF after our 4 miles