Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 3 Day 3... after a 20 mile ride!

Yesterday I went for a 20 mile ride on the Cedar River Trail with my Vanderkitten Sista', my 8 year old son, and my husband pulling our 2 year old daughter in the bike trailer.  I am so, so proud of my kiddo for making it the whole way.  He was tiring out and I told him he could have some caffeine at the halfway point.  He thought he was so cool because I let him have a couple sips of AdvoCare Spark, and a salted caramel gel.  He thinks caffeine kicks in right away and instantly had a crazy amount of energy... too funny.  It was a great ride even though the baby was crying until she passed out at mile 6, and even though I spent the entire 20 miles trying to encourage my son and cheering him on, and yelling at him to stay to the right.  Also, I timed the weather perfectly and the rain stayed away.  Here's a pic my husband took while following me to the trail... 

Ah, Seattle weather...

And here's us at the halfway point!

So, after the ride the husband took the kids home and Vanderkitten Sista' and I stayed to run the 3 miles my half marathon training schedule said to do that day.  We ate half a PB&J and a banana, changed my pants... and took off...
But first... lemme take a selfie!  ....

It was really different running with her.  We've only ever done one 5K together.  Either I run alone, with my dog, or with my BFF.  When I run with my BFF, she's slower than I am so I just jog happily along cheering her on, itching to go faster.  Well, Vanderkitten Sista' is faster than me so the roles switched.  I'm dying... especially after the 20 mile ride.  She kept trotting along like it was no big deal encouraging me not to walk and pointing out how much further ahead we needed to make it.  I really appreciated her pushing me... I really needed that... even though sometimes it was a little annoying to see her barely breaking a sweat while I want to stop.  Perhaps I should be slightly less encouraging when I run with BFF?  I'm probably annoying the hell out of her!  It was different being in her shoes.  Haha.  That said, even though it sucked, it was wonderful to be pushed and I want to run with Vanderkitten Sista' more often.  She agreed to do my 3 mile runs with me every other week, and I'll continue to do the longer runs with BFF. 

Last night my back did the painful "Tin Man" thing again and got stuck, my plantarfaciitis in my left foot was acting up the whole run and it's still sore.  As I was thinking about the difference between running with each of my running buddies, and feeling discouraged that if I can't keep up on a 3 mile run, I'll never finish a 26.2 mile run, I read my horoscope yesterday...

We ended up finishing our 3 mile run at a 12:33 pace, and 37 minutes.  The treadmill on Thursday was definitely easier!  I have a long way to go, but I feel hopeful!