Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 6 Day 2… barely.

Everyone is allowed to have a bad day once in a while, right?  I did not want to run yesterday.  I wanted to eat my weight in chocolate and sit on my fat butt.  (I really have been eating a lot of chocolate lately… along with an entire bag of Trader Joe's white cheddar puffs... and a couple margaritas. Ugh!)  I'm feeling really overwhelmed and unmotivated this week.  Let's contemplate why that might be:

It might be the beautiful sunny day cycling on Monday.  It was just a big ol' teaser for spring and Tuesday hit and it set in that it really IS only January.

It might be my girly cycle linked up with someone else's and it's that time of month.  And I was having a fat day.
It might be that I'm discouraged because a friend of mine commented that she's going to walk 16 miles in a couple weeks and thinks it's no big deal at all.  I mean, what the heck am I training for months for if anyone can just walk out their front door and not stop until they've walked more than a half marathon?

Or maybe it's Mercury in retrograde.

Anyway, who knows.  I just didn't want to run, but I wasn't about to give up on my training schedule.  Enough excuses, get it done!  So I compromised.  I average about 2.5 miles each time I run with my dog for 30 minutes in the morning.  So I decided I would run around my neighborhood for 1.5 miles after dropping my kids off for school/daycare.  And then I would run a mile on the treadmill in the afternoon when I met VK Sista' at the gym for "arm day".  So I had "Week 6 Day 2 Part 1" and "Week 6 Day 2 Part 2"on Strava.  It seemed so much less daunting to split it in half.  And I averaged around 11:30 pace for both.  I did not take any photos during either run… sorry... You're lucky I ran at all!

I went to yoga this morning and it was perfect.  I feel like I finally found a yoga instructor that I like in a time slot that works for me.  She was awesome.  I vowed to eat better today but so far that hasn't happened.  I had Special K chocolate almond cereal for breakfast AND lunch… and a couple (who am I kidding, a FEW) Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups.  I've been using myfitnesspal because it links up with my garmin and holy cow do I eat more calories than I thought I did!  It's been trial and error the last week or so.  Some days I'm ahead and some days I'm so very behind.  I really need to get online and order a new AdvoCare herbal cleanse…. AFTER Super Bowl Sunday.  :)

Tomorrow is a 10K on a track with BFF.  I hope I feel more motivated tomorrow and I hope I can at least get a healthy dinner in.  I'm telling you right now though that I'd rather have Pad Thai and huge beer.