Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 6 Day 3 ~ 10K

10K day!  BFF and I decided to run our 6.2 miles on a track near her house.  That way we could run at our own pace but still do it together, and wave to each other from the other side of the track.  We both really, really didn't want to do it.  It was cold and yucky out, and we were lazy:

Sad face "before" selfie

I ran the entire 6-point-freaking-2 miles!  1 hour and 20 minutes at a 13 minute pace.  This was my last run of the month and I was really excited to check it off.  My workout calendar looks nice and symmetrical.  :)  I am just super proud of myself that I did every single mile that the training schedule said to do.  I've come so far!  41 miles total in January!  (Plus 104 miles of cycling too!)

My finished January calendar!

BFF however, barely trained at all.  I lapped her quite a bit and gave her an encouraging high-five each time I passed.  She finished about a half hour after me so I spent that time walking more laps around the track to keep warm in the fog.  
BFF is in that fog on the other side of the track somewhere!

My "Yay I did it!" selfie :)

Honestly, at the beginning of the month I was annoyed that BFF wasn't training.  She talked me into this whole Disney Half Marathon thing.  I told her running was not my thing and I'd do as many 5K's as she wanted but I really didn't have the ambition to go any further than that.   BUT I told her that if she promised to put the time and effort into it, that I would do this half with her because I know it's important to her.  She wanted to be a better runner, and lose weight, and I wanted to support her.  Well, during this training process, I've learned that I can hold her hand, but I can't carry her...she can choose to carry herself.  This has turned into MY journey now.  Me.  With or without her.  I'm going to do the best I can, finish the half marathon… and hopefully go on to do the Honolulu Marathon in December.  However, I really hope she begins her journey soon because it would be much more fun with my "sole sister" there with me.  I know she could catch up if she wanted to.  I'm more than willing to run with her at her pace, IF she puts in the miles.                                      

Here's a little collage I put together for Facebook.  Hopefully this feeling sticks with her.