Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 10 Day 1 and 2 ~ My birthday, a new injury, and Chi Running

My ankle has still been bothering me since my 8 mile run, and it sort of radiates through my foot (with my plantar fasciitis) and up the inside of my leg.  So I googled it...and with my LMP knowledge, self diagnosed myself with Posterior Tibial Tendonitis.  Fantastic.  So I decided to take it easy and skip a day of running.  OMG that was really hard for me to do.  10 weeks in and I skip a day.  BUT I didn't skip the day and sit around on my butt.  Week 10 Day 1 happened to be my birthday and my husband surprised the heck out of me and we took the day off and went for a ride on Vashon Island.  So I figured I definitely got enough cardio in.  The hills on Vashon are pretty killer.  Here's some photos of our little adventure….

On the Ferry
The famous bike in the tree
Old bike and new bike  :)
It's neat you can still see a little bit of the tire

We rode for about 13 miles total and I wanted to do some antiquing while we were there.  Super cute place…

And we found the coolest score ever!  It's a collapsable "Cyclist's Cup" from 1897.  How cool is this!?!?  Happy birthday to me!!  

After our ride, we went to the gym with VK Sista'.  Can you believe that?!  I went to the gym on my freaking birthday.  I must have some sort of disease.  I should also mention that my husband gave me the option of going wine tasting for the day and I chose to torture myself on a hilly bike ride.  Yup.  I'm crazy.  … then I had cheesecake.

Week 10 day 2 was just an easy run on the treadmill at the gym, and I walked a heck of a lot of it.  I went to the running store and they re-formed me a pair of custom insoles.  The girl said my old ones weren't formed correctly in the first place.  They look completely different.  So I thought I'd try out my new insoles.  They don't seem to help at all.  In fact, they seem to make it worse.  I tried taking my shoes off and running barefoot on the treadmill and it felt better.  I think that my shoes are over stabilizing after I'm used to running in my vibrams.

That brings me to today.  BFF and I took a 4 hour Chi Running workshop… and we happened to be the only 2 people who signed up so it was an awesome personal training session.  OMG Chi Running is amazing.  I've been doing everything wrong!  Mind blown!  I'd blog about every single thing I learned but I'd be typing forever.  Look it up and take a course, it's amazing!  She also told me I should just keep attempting to wear my vibrams because I'm comfortable in them while I practice these new techniques.  So, tomorrow for my 15K, I'm going to wear my vibrams with toe socks, my compression socks, plantar fasciitis sleeve, and KT tape my ankle and hope for the best.

I'm really behind on blogging and I feel like I have so much more to say, but I need to get to bed and get a good night's sleep before the 15K tomorrow.  I'm freaking out, as usual.  Wish me luck!