Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Week 7 Day 1... and a cleanse

I have been running and cycling like crazy, and going to the gym twice a week for over a month now.  I don't eat fast or fried food.  You'd think I'd be a size 2 by now.  Nope, still a 10.  In fact, I've gained 10 lbs!  ?!@#*!!  My jeans seem to fit a little looser but the scale is up.  I hate that damn scale!  I really doubt I've gained 10 lbs of muscle so I have no idea what's going on.  I decided that it was time to do AdvoCare's 10 Day Herbal Cleanse again.  However, I kind of pieced together a cleanse out of two unfinished cleanses at BFF's house so technically I'm doing an 8 day cleanse.  I started day 1 and 2, also drinking the 48 Hour Hollywood Miracle Diet juice and only eating lean protein and green veggies.  Made it through those days ok.  I'm on to day 3 today. 

I don't know why I care about the scale so much.  As long as my husband and I think I look good, who cares what the scale says?  ...Or anyone else for that matter.  Some friends and family tell me how skinny I look and what a tiny waist I have...  And then there's others that can't believe when I tell them I run, and they think I wear an XL and ask how much weight I still have to go.  Is it because I'm just average size now?  I'm going to get both sides?  Why do I feel the need to be just a little bit smaller?  Anyway... we'll see what the stupid scale says at the end of my cleanse. 

Week 7 Day 1 was just an easy jog on the treadmill at the gym.  I have a cold so I just couldn't drag myself out of bed in the morning.  I figured the afternoon, after some Dayquil would be easier.  Eh.  I think I had like a 12:30 pace.  After my jog, VK Sista' kicked my ass as usual.  Here she is going all Jillian Michaels on my ass and adding her weight to my leg press:

My husband and I signed up for the STP again last night.  And I also signed up for the Hot Chocolate 15K on March 1st.  Eek!  So... wish me luck!  Onward with the training... and the cleanse... and we'll see what happens!