Saturday, February 14, 2015

Week 8 Day 2... and freaking out.

My training days were off because I was trying to rest at the beginning of the week and get rid of my cold, so I had to get creative with my run yesterday.  I had to bring my two year old daughter along. I decided that I was going to jog to the gym for my yoga class with the stroller, and then jog home.  Omg!  Trying to run while pushing the stroller was a lot harder than I expected.  My arms were still sore from my workout with VK Sista' on Wednesday, and I had no momentum because I couldn't move my arms back and forth.  It's kind of amazing how much my arms help to propel me forward, and how weird it feels when I'm not able to use them.  Not to mention the stroller with a kid in it is heavy, especially up a hill!  

My daughter was having a blast though!  She liked that I was going fast.  She kept saying, "Wee!!!  This fun mommy!" and dancing back and forth to my music. (Which made pushing the stroller feel even weirder!)  Here's a pic:

I jogged through downtown and kept seeing myself in the reflection of the storefront windows.  And once again, my brain with my fat girl syndrome thinks I look fat and ridiculous.  I even snapped a photo as I jogged by:

Can you see me?  It's okay if you can't... It's not flattering.

Anyway, my stroller pace was 13 something.  I went to my amazing yoga class, and jogged back towards home.  Kind of defeated the whole purpose of a relaxing, stretching yoga class but oh well.  Gotta do what I gotta do.

Last night husband and I went out for Valentine's Day and I wore my cute boots.  I did way too much walking in them and now my plantarfacitis is acting up today.  I am FREAKING OUT about my 8 mile run tomorrow.  It's the furthest I've ever ran.  Furthest right now is 7.5, and that run destroyed my hip for months.  I keep trying to tell myself that that run was out of nowhere and this run I've trained for.  I have done every single mile the training schedule said to do.  I'm prepared for this.  But I'm freaking out.  Did I mention I'm freaking out?  Besides my foot, I swear my back hurts, my hip hurts, the insides of my ankles hurt.  I'm phyching myself out.  I know it's mostly in my head.  I'm fine, I can do this.

I invited a bunch of friends to the track with us tomorrow.  I thought it would be more fun and less tedious with lots of people to high-five.  Hopefully that was a good decision.  Wish me luck!