Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 9 Day 1... with my 8 year old on his bike.

Remember on Friday's run, I pushed my two year old in the stroller?  Well, yesterday I had to take my 8 year old with me.  It was a whole lot easier because he tagged along on his bike and just went back and forth along the street and circled me.  He had fun and it was a gorgeous sunny day.  (I feel bad for my friends in Massachusetts who are buried in snow!)
My run still didn't go that great.  I am still sore all over from my 8 miles on Sunday.  (Surprise, surprise.)  I started out trying the new Chi Running method that I've been watching YouTube videos about and I was zooming my first mile!  But then I hit a wall I guess.  My legs were bricks.  It just wasn't working.  I speed-walked/jogged my second mile and I actually quit 4 minutes early because I was already back at my house and didn't time it quite right.  So later on in the afternoon when I met VK Sista' at the gym, I did an extra mile on the treadmill to make up for it.
Husband joined the gym again!  He wants VK Sista' to kick his ass too.  It was fun. (Arm day!) He also wanted to see how far he could run on the treadmill without walking because I've been trying to talk him into doing 5Ks with me.  He ran for a mile and a half and said he could have kept going, but VK Sista' and I were done so it was time for weights.  I told him that cycling helps with cardio soooo much and that he would be able to run just fine.  (Told you so!)   
While I did my mile on the treadmill, I looked through my calendar for all the races I want to sign up for this year and VK Sista' put the ones she wants to do with me in her calendar.  It made the mile go by pretty fast.  I'm going to add them to my athletic events on the side of my blog's home page in case you want to join in on any of them too!