Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Week 8 Day 1… plus a Vanderkitten meet-up!

Well, I'm done with my cleanse and I'm down 5 lbs.  Still 5 lbs more than I want to be but it's something.   Actually, I want to be 20 lbs less, but I guess my body likes me where I am.  I wish my brain would like me where I am!  I went out for drinks with some Vanderkitten girls yesterday (one girl came to town from Colorado) and I was really nervous about it.  "What do I wear?  I feel so fat!  These girls are going to think I'm a big non-athletic fraud!"  But actually, it turned out just fine.  They were super nice and what I chose to wear worked just fine.  Here's a pic of our VK meet-up:

That brings me to today.  I decided to run Wednesday/Friday/Sunday this week to give myself a few days to get over this cold that never ends.  That was a darn good idea because I ran really well this morning.  30 minutes running non-stop at a 11:20 pace.  My dog did great, which was really nice.  It was super foggy out!  Here's a pic when I finished:

Yes, some of that is sweat, but most of it was fog!  I was soaking wet!  It was a nice morning anyway though.  :)

This afternoon I went to the gym with VK Sista' and since we had drinks yesterday, and she has a meeting on Thursday, today was our only gym day this week so we made sure we did a full-body bootcamp kinda workout.  It was pretty fun!  Although now my throat hurts.  I swear… this cold will never, ever end.  Taking it easy tomorrow.  Onward!