Friday, February 20, 2015

Week 9 Day 2 ~Trail run

I needed to get off the road and into the woods.  I didn't even bring my music with me (and if you know me, that's just crazy!)  I just needed a little peace and quiet surrounded my nature.  It's been a weird week.  Something in the stars maybe?  Even my husband told me I seemed "off".  

There's a really great place near my house called Eagle Landing Park.  There's about a half-mile long trail that leads to a huge metal staircase (I think there's over 200 steps if I remember correctly) that leads to the beach.  Well, there was a landslide so I knew the stairs were closed, but I figured just getting onto the trail and being able to see the water through the trees would be good for me.  So my dog and I jogged the long way around, about a mile, to the trailhead saying hello and good morning to neighbors along the way.  Usually I have my headphones in so I just smile and wave, so it was different actually saying hi.  

We hit the trail running but my dog was way too excited about this new terrain and kept trying to stop and sniff...and chase birds, squirrels, and chipmunks.  It was hard to get her to focus but she was having a blast. 

Athena checking out an eagle

The biggest problem in the woods was my Garmin.  I was running on switchbacks but it kept thinking I was standing still so it would pause.  Drove me crazy!  I went a lot further than my dumb watch thinks I did.  :)  

We made it to the end of the trail and my dog and I sat on a bench at the top of the closed stairwell.  I tried to get her to turn around and look at the camera but she kept looking out at the water.  So, I turned my head to look with her and snapped a selfie from behind.  Ha!

Athena and I enjoying the view.

We jogged back through the woods and out to the road again, and ran the mile back to my house.  When I got home, I still felt like I needed to ground myself.  I thought it would feel good to take my running shoes off and feel the damp grass under my feet.  So we hung out in the front yard for a while, looking out at the water.  

She's a good girl
