Monday, February 9, 2015

The crazy accidental athletic weekend

Remember when I said I was going to do my easy 3 mile treadmill jog, and then chill out and rest for the remainder of the weekend to try to kick this cold for good?  Yeah... that didn't happen.  After my run on Saturday we dropped the kids off with my mom.  I planned to use the opportunity to go to REI kid-free and pick up some compression socks, and then maybe take a nap and fold some laundry.  Sounded wonderful.  Well, turns out it was garage sale day REI downtown and we spent 3 1/2 hours there.  My garmin says we walked almost 3 miles through the store.  And then my mother-in-law came to town, met us for dinner, and then my husband and I went out to a friend's birthday party to see a cover band at a dive bar.  A couple of beers and we were home late.  So much for my nap, and my going to bed early to rest. 
My 65 year old mother-in-law signed up to do the Seattle to Portland with us this summer.  She brought her bike and wanted to go for a ride with us.  The rain finally stopped after a week and the sun came out.  How could we say no?  And it was only her second ride since she got her bike so I knew it would be a pretty easy ride.
Pre-ride selfie

Mother and son riding

It was definitely a nice easy ride.  We only went 12.5 miles along the Green River Trail, but I'm super proud of her for starting her training.  She's been getting her ass kicked at the gym by a personal trainer twice a week too.  She's determined.  I love that we inspired her.  :)

So after our ride, I was supposed to meet some friends for a walk along the Soos Creek Trail.  But after our ride and a quick lunch, I had to go all the way home to change, pick up my dog, and drive all the way out there.  I was about 35 minutes late and they already started on their walk.  I had my friend text me a dropped pin on the map where she was, and it said they were 1.1 miles ahead of me.  I figured I'd just take off running and catch up.  I estimated it would take me 30 minutes to find them while they continued walking and I ran.  I was thinking about how I wished I didn't already run yesterday, I didn't plan on running today.  I didn't even bring water, but I was determined to catch up.  So, off I went.  At a mile in, right about where the pin said she was earlier, the trail turned into a pond....

I called my friend just to make sure she actually wadded her way through calf-high water and she said she did.  She said that if she didn't, I probably would have thought she was a wuss because of how athletic I am, and how much cycling and running I do in the rain.  LOL.  Really?  That's flattering but I would have given up at this pond and turned around.  But she didn't... and she thinks I kick ass so I took my shoes and socks off, rolled up my pants, and waded through with my dog's leash in one hand, and my shoes in the other.  Some cyclists were going through coming from the direction I was heading and a guy said, "It's worse further up!  I'd leave your shoes off for a while."  So I walked along barefoot through 3 puddles this size.  Oh man it was crazy.  And COLD.  After putting my shoes back on, I ran another 2 miles to catch up with them.  Thankfully she had a bottle of water waiting for me and we walked the 3 miles back to the car with our dogs having a blast.  (Shoes off again to get back through the flood.)   
I was freaking exhausted last night.  My lungs hurt and my body just felt heavy, like it was a lot of extra work to move.  My chest hurt when I breathed so I put a humidifier in our room last night.  That seemed to help quite a bit.  I can breathe better today.  VK Sista' wanted to go to the gym this afternoon because we're supposed to meet some other Vanderkitten VIP's for drinks on Tuesday.  But I said no way.  I'm doing nothing today but sitting at my desk at work... and getting my hair done during lunch.  Then I'm going home and sitting on my butt.  The end.