Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 9 Day 3 ~Weekend in Suncadia

The husband and I spent last weekend at Suncadia Resort in Cle Elum.  It was my "prize" for winning the weight loss bet between me, my dad, and my sister.  My dad paid for the trip, and my sister watched our kids.  We had an amazing time!  Our suite was huge with a living room, fireplace, kitchen, dining room table, and giant bedroom and bathroom.  And the weather was perfect.  Chilly but sunny.  When we got there, we checked in and I decided to get my 3 mile run in while the husband tagged along on his mountain bike snapping pictures.  I keep staring at these photos thinking, "Is that really me?  Do I really look like that?  I look dang good!"  I mean, I don't look teeny tiny but I definitely look like I wear a medium in these photos.  I look average and that's all I ever strived for.  It's like all of a sudden I think I look like I made it.  I don't know how long that'll stick in my brain but for now... hooray.  Go me.
Anyway, I was huffing and puffing this whole run and my husband said it's probably because of the elevation.  We were in the mountains and even though it was only 2,000 feet, it's a bit different than sea level.  At least that's what he thinks.  I did my 3 miles, and .1 extra just so I could say I did a 5K.  I keep forgetting to do that and always stop at 3 miles exactly so my Garmin never counts it as a 5K.  So this run was my fastest 5K since I got my watch. 37 minutes 25 seconds.
I planned my run so that I would end up at the winery that is on the resort property.  I mean, I'm on vacation after all!  So we sat down at the restaurant for dinner and each ordered a flight of wine.  Mine was 5 different reds, husband's was 3 different reds.  They were all amazing and it was so fun to do wine tasting at our table.

I ordered the strangest, but most yummy salad ever.  Half of the ingredients I don't even like but I decided they would be good together.  Quinoa (yum), kale (yum), pears (not a fan of pears), carrots (yum), beets (nope), cranberries (eh, not really), pecans (yum), citrus vinaigrette (yum).  It was sooooo good.  I'm going to try making it at home now.
After dinner and a ton of wine, we went to the outdoor jacuzzi that was as big as a swimming pool.  And you could see every star in the sky out there, it was so nice.  Then we went back to the lodge and they had complimentary s'mores out in a huge fire pit near a stream.   Ahh.

After dessert, we cozied up in our room and rented a movie.  Awesome day!
The next morning we had breakfast delivered to our room, and then decided to take a yoga class.  Husband has never taken yoga with the exception of the PiYo class that I used to teach.  And he was complaining about his hamstrings since VK Sista' kicked his ass at the gym last Thursday so I thought yoga would be good for him.  The yoga teacher had us choose a card before we started class...

After yoga, I rented a mountain bike (Husband has one already).  And we followed the map to an awesome mountain biking trail and had a freaking blast!  I think we spent more time goofing off, getting wet and muddy, and taking photos and videos than we did actual riding.  It was so nice out there!  Why have I never tried this before?  It's like hiking on wheels!  You can cover so much more distance out there when you're on a bike! 

We rode about 7 miles and when we got back to the car, husband didn't have his car keys.  Ha.  Fantastic.  Our keys are out there somewhere in a 7 mile span in the woods.  So we grabbed a coffee and a banana at the lodge and headed out for mountain biking adventure #2.  We found our keys down at the river where husband was goofing off and fell over.  They were just sitting there on some rocks.  Holy moly, couldn't believe we found them.  So we turned my mountain bike back in (sad, sad.  I want my own!!!) and headed into Roslyn for a burger and a beer at a neat old bar called The Brick that still has the original spittoon running under the bar.

Anyway, it really was an awesome, active weekend.  So thankful the weather was so nice!  We were thinking about what we would have done out there before we got into cycling and running.  My guess is we would have walked around town a little more, maybe went on a hike.  Probably hung out in the pool and jacuzzi a lot more.  It has been a year since we got our road bikes.  Strange how much our lives have changed in such a short amount of time.