Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 6 Day 1 ~ Can't...run...legs...dead from cycling!

Yesterday was almost 70 degrees... in January... in Seattle!  It was absolutely beautiful.  In the past, when it's been unusually nice out, my first thought was to go down to some restaurant on the water and eat fish and chips.  I saw a lot of friends on facebook did that yesterday.  We used to do that all the time...  We'd go to Ivars at Coulon Beach Park, Salty's in Redondo beach, or Steamers at Titlow Park...etc.  Now when it gets nice the first thought I have is to go for a ride.  Why sit and eat while looking at the water when I can ride around the lake?  It's crazy to me how far I've come and how completely different I am from that lazy fat girl I used to be. 

Here's some photos from my ride with my Vanderkitten Sista' yesterday:

Vanderkitten Stickers!
A quick selfie before going over the I-90 Bridge

Me riding near Seward Park

VK Sista' at Sunset

Gorgeous sunset near Coulon Beach Park

We did a little over 30 miles on the lower Lake Washington Loop and included Mercer Island.  It smelled like summer.  Still can't believe it's January.  The husband went for a ride yesterday too.  He rode into work, worked for about an hour, and then decided it was too nice to be there. (Technically it was his day off anyway) So he rode around the entire lake, and then bonked at mile 75ish and stopped at a Subway.  I picked him up at mile 84.  Can't believe he almost did a century yesterday.  Proud of him!

Anyway, that brings me to today.  Just a 30 minute run around my neighborhood with my dog and my legs were DEAD.  It was like trying to pick up logs, they felt so heavy.  After a 5K on Sunday and 31 miles on my bike yesterday... running was just not going to work.  My pace was 13:33.  I'm lucky I even went that fast.  VK Sista' and I are skipping our gym workout this afternoon and going to yoga tonight instead.  That sounds fantastic.  Can't wait!