Friday, January 16, 2015

Week 4 Day 2 ~ Super Kittens!

It was supposed to rain so I decided I'd do my 30 minutes on the treadmill when I met Vanderkitten Sista' at the gym in the afternoon.  Turns out it was gorgeous yesterday morning… but I already took a shower... so oh well.  I really didn't feel like going to the gym yesterday.  I was super tired and needed like 18 shots of coffee to function.  But, I sucked it up, sparked it up, and went anyway.  My treadmill time was pretty slow (12:16 pace)…. and I was trying really hard to be faster too!  It just was not happening.  Once time, I dropped my phone on the emergency stop button and I didn't want to screw up my pace time so I ran in place on a non-moving treadmill while I picked up my phone, put my earbud back in, and got it going again.  Hahahhaaaa.  Vanderkitten Sista' was laughing at me.  Yes, I am a huge dork.

After my run, Vanderkitten Sista' and I did a "strength training workout for cyclists" that another Vanderkitten had posted online.  I think we were both so tired that we were delirious and laughed the whole time.  Here's our Super Kitten selfie!!

I'm supposed to run 5.5 miles this Saturday but BFF is sick so either I'm doing it alone, or dragging Vanderkitten Sista' with me (or vice versa).  We shall see.  The weather is supposed to be terrible but I really don't want to be on the "dreadmill" for that long.  Yoga this morning, run tomorrow.  Still need coffee.