Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mad at the scale!

Sometimes I get really frustrated when the numbers on my scale aren't going down. I read an article yesterday that makes me feel better...

Health Magazine says that you can lose a dress size by gaining 3-4 lbs. If those pounds are muscle, not fat, you lose inches, even if the number on the scale is a bit higher. Why? Because not only does denser muscle tissue take up less space, but the number of calories incinerated by a body with lots of lean muscle is higher than if the person's weight is made up of fat.

This actually makes a lot of sense to me. I am in a smaller size than I have been in the past, when I weighed less!

I credit this to AdvoCare's Catalyst! Catalyst is an amino acid supplement that feeds your muscle so you don't lose it when you work out. It preserves lean muscle so your muscle does its job and burns the fat. I've heard it called "Liposuction in a bottle", "Gut and butt be gone", and "Shrinkwrap for the body". It's one of my favorite products! You can read more about it here:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My daily diet

This is what I eat on a daily basis to lose weight. (I included my AdvoCare supplements as well!) It's a variation of what used to be recommended by LA Weightloss (They went out of business) and AdvoCare's Lean in 13 program. As a general rule, I don't eat white starches or red meat. Also, I allow myself a free meal every week. Usually Wednesdays at lunch is the meal I eat pretty much whatever I want. So, if I'm craving something bad, say, on Saturday... I need to wait until Wednesday to eat it. (And by then I usually don't want it anymore anyway, I'm on to craving something else!)

AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shake (chocolate)
MNS Max 3 vitamins
24 oz of water with lemon, (or a 16 oz Spark, and a 16oz rehydrate)

Mid morning:
Fruit (apple or a banana usually)
Dairy: Yogurt or cheese

MNS Max 3 vitamins
24 oz of water with lemon

Lunch examples: Salmon, brown rice, and broccoli
Chicken greek salad with half a whole wheat pita
Spinach salad and homemade whole wheat turkey-pepperoni pizza
Deli sandwich on whole grain bread and carrots

100 calorie pack of mixed nuts
(Spark if I have class at night)

(No carbs for dinner!)
24 oz water with lemon

Dinner examples: Taco Salad with ground turkey
Roasted chicken and zucchini
Salmon and mixed veggies
Chicken or salmon caesar salad