Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Long run = Two 5Ks and a hidden trail

This weekend called for 8 miles but since we missed a couple long runs due to sickness, my cousin and I decided we'd do at least 9, maybe 10.  The Brat Trot 5K was Sunday and the route went almost right by my house so I thought since it was all mapped out on the pavement, that it would be fun to try out a good 5K route near me.  I invited my cousin up and our plan was to follow the arrows and do the 5K three times before it officially started in the afternoon.  

We did the first 5K with my dog which was really annoying.  She's great when she runs with just me, but having my cousin there complicated things for her.  If I was ahead of her, she kept slowing and looking back, and if she was in front of me, she'd pull me forward.  Drove me crazy.  So we stopped by my house after the first 3 miles and dropped her off, had half a banana each, peed, and off again.  

After the second loop, we stopped by my house again.  I was having pain in my left hip again so I tried to do a bit of yoga.  We decided that doing the 5K route for the 3rd time was going to be a little boring so we thought we'd do our last 2 miles somewhere different.  I was telling my cousin how I ran down the hill to Seahurst Park and back the other day on a weekday 4 mile run and that it was the biggest hill ever.  (I forgot to blog about that.  I'll post about that at the end of this post!)  We thought we'd try going down Maplewild which is a huge hill that goes down to Three Tree Point.  There's no sidewalk and it's a narrow road that winds around through trees so I never go down that way.  We thought we'd check it out anyway.  A little less than a mile down the road, an older lady out for a walk stopped me to tell me that "this way is better" and pointed to this little trail through a hedge that looks like it lead to someone's yard.  Turned out to be the neatest trail ever, less than a mile from my house.  It's called Indian Trail.  Instead of writing everything out about it, I'm just going to include a link I found when I googled about it later:  http://www.willhiteweb.com/puget_sound_hiking/indian_trail/city_of_burien_166.htm

What an awesome find!  Beautiful!

Very narrow trail in between houses on the hillside
Pulley system for the neighborhood

We found a tiny public beach at the end.

We ended up going almost 9 miles, and called my husband to pick us up at the bottom of the hill.  No shame.  :)

And here's a few pics from the 4 mile run down to Seahurst Park the other day.  Really beautiful places to run right near my house!

My dog, Athena when we made it down to the beach

Doggy selfie

Here's the problem with going all the way down to the beach.  The hill going back up.
It kept going....
And going...
And going....
Almost there!
It was a great run but that 1 mile hill was brutal.  I got down it super fast, but going back up was pretty torturous.  It was worth the beach at the end though.

I have a half marathon to do on Sunday with my cousin.  It's the flattest route possible so it'll be great!  I'll post about it next week!