Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sports injuries galore

I'm like an old lady with a broken hip.... well, two broken hips.  My hips have been bothering me ever since I ran 7.5 miles in Spokane before my cruise.  My right one hurts more, but they both hurt.  I had my husband massage my IT bands and my legs and glutes, and that seemed to do the trick before the triathlon.  (I was a massage therapist for over 10 years so I've taught him well.  Oh and by the way, he told me he can really tell how much more muscle I have than I used to. :) That made me feel good. )  My hips were fine until mile 3 of the run, and then my left hip starting hurting, then my right.  Ugh.  I kept going and I made it, but they still hurt.  I haven't been on a run all week and I've skipped out on going to the gym with my cycling wife.  My husband told me that maybe I should not do some upcoming races until I get this figured out but that's not an option. I paid for them already.  The Warrior Dash is this Saturday, and the Slime Run and Cycle the Wave is next weekend.  No time for injuries! 

I kind of went through this when I started cycling too.  My low back would hurt, I'd figure that out... my right knee would hurt, I'd figure that out... my right foot would go numb, I figured that out (ON the STP... better late than never.)  I've also had plantar fasciitis in my left foot since a 5K I did a couple years ago with bad shoes, and I usually tape my foot before I run.  I haven't even had to do that lately, it's been fine.  So now I need to figure out this hip problem.  I've been googling different stretches and ways to use my foam roller.  I'll figure it out.  It'll be fine... it's just hard to stay positive about it when you're in pain.  So annoying.  I haven't been getting a ton of sleep because of it either.  I thought the dark circles under my eyes were mascara but makeup remover doesn't remove them.  *sigh*

So... stretching, foam rolling, massage, ice, and yoga the next two days!  Cross your fingers!