Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Getting my son excited about races!

I'm a little behind on the blogging.  I've been sulking since I'm grounded from running and cycling.  Let me catch you up on the last week and a half...

I went back to the ENT doctor last week and she said everything seems to be healing well but I should take the time to heal even more and not run or cycle for 2 weeks so that maybe I'll be okay for the Flying Wheels this coming weekend.  So I've been grounded.... and I'm going crazy.  I also went to the dentist to check on my teeth and both the dentist and my oral surgeon said I didn't do any permanent damage.  My teeth shifted a bit when I fell but they'll shift back into place.  They already feel better than they did 3 weeks ago. 

I did the Adventure Run and walked AGAIN (I need to stop injuring myself before the Adventure Run each month!) but it ended up being a good excuse to bring my 9 year old along.  He had a lot of fun. 

My kiddo and me with our raffle tickets

VK Sista' and me

My cousin's clan

Haha.  He had to stay out of the beer garden.  :)

Saturday night was the Electric Run at the Puyallup Fairgrounds, and since Cousin is an ambassador for the run, she gave me a coupon code for a free entry so that my son could come.  I couldn't stand the excitement... so I jogged.  I just couldn't cross another start line and walk!  I kept a 12:30 ish pace the whole time.  My son not only kept up, but he wanted to run faster.  He had a blast.  He says he wants to do more 5Ks with me.

This run was so much better than the Neon Run that I did last year.  (And you don't get covered with yucky colored powder!)  My son especially loved the candy section with giant blow up gummy bears, ice cream cones, cupcakes, etc.  There were fog machines that made it smell like candy as you went through, and they gave you gummy bears at the end!  I thought the barn decorated like the ocean was really neat with bubbles and jellyfish.  I'd definitely do this run again. 

I had a little bit of sinus pressure but all in all I felt fine!  It felt SO GOOD to run... even if it was a slow jog.  It's weird that I feel like I need to exercise as much as I need to breathe now.  I can't just sit around on the couch and watch tv.  I'm like a crazy person with a ton of anxiety if I don't run.  I see a lot of running quotes going around like, "I run to burn off the crazy" and "I run because punching people is frowned upon", etc.  I totally get that now. 

I was talking to a friend the other day and she asked me why I feel the need to run a marathon.  She said, "What's missing in your life that you feel like completing a marathon would fill?"  This bugged me for days.  Is there something missing?  Is it wrong to work towards a huge goal?  I talked to my MA BFF about it and she said there's nothing missing and I just have no drama in my life.  I've been happily married for 13 years, two awesome kids to come home to every day, a stable job, great friends and family.  I race because it's a challenge.  This is my excitement.  My hobby.  It's healthy, motivating, and I have a blast at all these races spending time with my husband and friends....(Running and cycling) And now my son too!  I wish I could remember the way she worded all of this because she's freaking brilliant.  She made me feel better. 

So... then I caught my daughter's cold.  I spent Sunday and Monday pretty miserable with sinus pain but I've been downing vitamin c and zicam and I feel much better now.  (Not 100% but much better!)  Everyone went cycling without me over the weekend.  VK Sista and Cheetah went on Saturday and Monday, and Husband, BFF's Husband, and another friend went over the pass on Sunday.  I'm bummed to be missing out but I really want to try to do the century tomorrow.  I don't think I'm ready though.  I haven't trained enough for it, I'm still healing, and I'm still pretty scared to get on my bike.  We'll see how it goes.  I have 10 hours to do it and I'll be hanging back with my mother-in-law and Cheetah.  We'll go as far as we can, and BFF is awesome and will pick me up if my face falls apart!  :)  Maybe next year my son will come along!