Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The blog I titled, erased, and re-titled over and over... and still has no name.

I have a little bit of blog catch-up to do.  The Thursday after the STP I did the July Adventure Run with my cousin.  My legs were still jello from the ride so I chose the 12-13 minute pacer.  Lies!  She paced at about 11, which meant I did too.  It was still fun... My legs said no but my brain said GET ALL THE TICKETS!!!!  I won a $30 gift card to Road Runner Sports and cousin won free shoes!  Woo!  

My son came again.  He loves it.  :)

And then the next Saturday morning I get a call from my cousin at 8am telling me to get dressed and get to Safeco Field for the Refuse to Abuse 5K.  Their website said it was sold out so I wasn't able to get an entry and she was planning to go alone.  When she got down there, they had day-of registration so she signed me up.  I threw on my running clothes and jumped in the car.  I found the Mariners Moose on my way to the start line so I had a volunteer take our photo!

A kitten and a moose!

I found my cousin, she handed me a bib #, we took a couple pics at the start line and we were off running!  (I look so tired!  I seriously got out of bed 30 minutes prior!)

The 5K was pretty tough.  I mean, it was pretty flat and easy (besides the ramps at Safeco)... and I finished in about 36 minutes, but I was dying.  I feel like I've lost my running ability because of all my crazy injuries and lack of training.  It was good though, it was a wake-up call that if I'm going to run a marathon in December that I need to get my ass in gear.  I planned on this run being the start of my hard-core serious training again to get caught up with my marathon schedule....

And then the jaw saga continues once more.  I went back in last week for my follow-up to my previous oral surgery where he put in the healing caps on my implants and I told him that it's been hurting ever since.  He said that isn't right and took some x-rays because he thought my tissue back there didn't look good.  Turns out there were bone fragments or something under my gums near my neighboring tooth and he had to open it all back up and dig it out and clean all over again.  What I thought would be an easy appointment turned into an extra surgery and more stitches.  And did I mention that novocain barely works on me?  Lucky, lucky me.  A unique club that I'd rather not belong to.  So I spent a few days on pain killers AGAIN... and I'm still healing AGAIN.  It's always something with me, isn't it?

So I'm behind on my marathon training schedule.  I'm not quite to half marathon distance yet though (I think I'm supposed to do 11 miles next weekend) and since I've done 4 half marathons in the past few months, I'm sure my body will remember what to do and I can catch up.  I need a lot of luck and some positive thoughts, and no more injuries.  Cousin and I are going to start running together on Fridays starting next week.  That'll help.  :)  I also need to get rid of these extra summer pounds.  My jeans barely fit and jean season starts in about a month and a half!  Ack!  Gotta get going!