Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It's really fun to be one of those crazy people

The first year we did the Warrior Dash, we saw some people covered in powder from the Color Run.  We were so nervous to do the Warrior Dash alone that we thought these people were absolutely out of their minds to do the Color Run and THEN the Warrior Dash in the same day.  We were kind of in awe of these crazy people.

Last year I saw these same type of crazy people again and I thought, "I could do that.  I'm going to do that next year!"  So I signed up.  Color Run in the morning, Warrior Dash in the afternoon.  After all the training I have done the past 2 years, it didn't seem like a big deal.  And it really wasn't.  It was a blast.  It's pretty amazing how far I've come.

I have so many photos from this day.  I chose just a few of my favorites for this blog post:

Before the Color Run in the Shout Photo Booth with my husband and cousin

Me and my cousin at the start line... with BUBBLES!

So, my husband won this shirt for getting first place in the Shout obstacle course
so we talked him into joining us in the race!  He blended in just fine.  :)

My husband and me

Like a vampire?

At the finish line!

So fun to have my husband do this run with me.  

And here we are at the start of the Warrior Dash!

We threw glitter color packets when the start line fired up!

True love right here

My cousin and me after throwing color packets on top of the bridge

Best photo ever


"After" Photo!

Me and my cousin


See?!  We're officially crazy!

It was a really fun day.  I overheard a lot of people from the Warrior Dash commenting on the fact that we came from the Color Run.  I love that I remember doing exactly the same thing a couple years ago.  Crazy people!

After two races, we went back to our hotel and took turns showering off the mud, color, and glitter.  My cousin and her clan went home and my husband and I planned to go to dinner and a movie.  When there wasn't a good movie playing, we walked a couple miles to REI and back instead.  You know, because we didn't get in enough miles already.  When we climbed into bed that night, I looked at my Garmin and it said I did exactly 13.1 miles (A half marathon) for the day.  :)

Excited to be crazy again this year.  Maybe even crazier!