Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Busy life, busy training schedule.

Well, sorry I haven't updated in a bit.  I've been busy at work filling in on routes.  (Delivering cookies and muffin tops.) Fun fun!  However, it's quite the workout and I average 12,000 steps per day!

Lots of heavy boxes!

I bought new shoes!!!  Altra Torins!  They're the closest thing to running in my Vibram Five Fingers as I can get but gives me much more support.  They have a wide toe box, and zero drop.  So far they're amazing!  

Other than that, I've just been chugging along with my training schedule.  I do my long runs with my cousin on weekends, and weekdays I either spend in my neighborhood, or on the treadmill after boot camp with VK Sista.  Boot camp is tough!!

Sweaty Selfie!

AdvoCare Post Workout Recovery!  Ah.

I went almost 7 weeks without missing a run.  (Or at least a run/walk...Stupid foot.) Then I caught a really crappy cold that knocked me straight to bed.  I skipped my 8 miler last weekend for Week 6 Day 3.  I was going to try to make it up but I realize it's not going to happen, and that's ok.  I'm still very early in marathon training.  This Saturday is the Color Run and Warrior Dash!  Can't wait!  Bring on week 7, and less sniffles!