Monday, August 24, 2015

Just focusing on one day at a time

While on my treadmill the other day, I was watching... what's it called?.... Extreme Weight Loss?...  something like that... Anyway, I was watching this show for I think the first time (Maybe 2nd) and these people have a TON of weight to lose.  The show takes place over an entire year so some advice these guys were given was to not think about the end goal.  You just think about Monday, then Tuesday, etc.  And sooner or later, you're at the top of Mount Everest and you only ever thought about one step at a time.  Otherwise your goals are really overwhelming and you don't start.  

I was thinking about this for my marathon training.  26.2 miles sounds completely unfathomable and really, really scary... but completing the miles on my training schedule day-by-day is a little more do-able.  I'm starting Week 5 this week and I haven't missed a mile yet.  It feels good to be back on track, checking off the boxes on my work-out calendar just like I did while I was training for the Disney Half.

That's not to say I haven't been struggling though.  I have this new pain on the side of my left foot so I do what I normally do: Google.  I was a massage therapist for over 10 years so I know a thing or two about muscles.  I'm usually pretty good about self-diagnosing my weird running injuries and figuring out how to KT Tape them.  Well, this time my google search lead to a lot of sources saying I have a stress fracture of the 5th metatarsal.  I thought, "Pshaw.  My foot isn't fractured.  That's stupid."  And kept searching... and searching.  Every site I found says it's a common runners injury and the pain is described exactly like mine.  So, when I had my doctors appointment for my low back after I had my MRI (A story for another day) I asked her what could be causing this foot pain and she said, "Probably a stress fracture of the 5th metatarsal."  Seriously?!  Only me.  She said wear sturdy shoes for a few weeks.

So I decided that I am just sooooooo tired of being injured that I'm just going to do my best to ignore this.  Hawaii is booked.  I am not missing a single run on my schedule.  I wear the sturdiest shoes I have during the day (no more flip-flops for me) and that seems to help so far.  I tried to wear my regular running shoes on the treadmill the other day instead of my Vibram Five Fingers.  I hate them.  My feet go numb when I wear normal shoes to run.  (Stupid bulged discs in my low back mentioned above don't help either.)  After 2.5 miles on the treadmill the other day, I kicked them off and ran barefoot in my socks....

I figure even if I have to walk every mile on my schedule, I'm going to complete them.  This is why I chose a marathon with no time limit!  I also started going back to spin class with my husband.  I figure that would help me with my cardio.  Holy cow I forgot how hard spin is!  I was dripping sweat on the floor!  It was awesome... and horrible.  :)

A week ago I had a 5 mile run to complete.  The last time I had a 5 mile run on my half marathon schedule, I ran down at Alki Beach so I wanted to do that again and see if I've improved.  It went great!  I had to stop a couple times and stretch my calves because I'm running a little funky to compensate for my foot, but other than that, I jogged happily along and enjoyed the view.  I could have done more than 5 miles.  The only other problem I had was that I didn't bring any water.  My husband was going to be riding his bike by with the kids and bring me my water bottle but he had a flat tire on my daughter's bike trailer so he got a really late start.  I knew there was a really cool house covered with neat plants and flowers that had a drinking fountain out front for public use.  I knew I needed to make it to that house.  Over 3.5 miles in until I found it.  I was so excited for a drinking fountain that I took a thirsty selfie!

Favorite place to run!
Stopped for a quick photo of this guy painting the skyline.

Tuesday I did my 3 miles on the treadmill at the gym with VK Sista' and then Thursday was the August Adventure Run.  I totally forgot to get a picture of my kiddo and me because he was having fun with some other kids who came along.  But here's a couple from evening...

Bottom from left to right:  Cheetah,  Cheetah's wife and her dad, Cousin, and Me
Top from left to right: Another Vanderkitten VIP we just met, VK Sista', and an old friend of mine from high school.

Winner Winner!  

And then the morning after that, I met my cousin for a long run on the Green River Trail.  We ran/walked almost 7 miles taking turns pushing my daughter in the stroller (That had 3 flat tires!!!) or carrying her....she's a lot of work.  And I didn't feel well either.  Actually I was puking Thursday morning, sucked it up and went to the Adventure Run anyway, and still didn't feel so great for this run either.  But you know what?  I am freaking determined!  Also, I got a new selfie stick.  (Yeah, I'm one of THOSE people) because the NEXT morning I was going to be taking the kids to the Bubble Run all by myself and wanted to get good pictures of us.  So I used this run as an opportunity to try it out...

My cousin playing with my daughter as we tried to run along.
First Selfie Stick Selfie!
I feel like such a nerd with this thing!
Then Saturday was the Bubble Run.  My kids had an absolute blast besides waiting around for an hour and a half at the start line for our turn to go.  Complete disorganization there.  And this guy's apartment window...

Someone wasn't happy to be woken at 7:30am by crazy runners!  Ha!
My little cuties all ready to run!
She was kind of freaking out at first but loved it after this first station.
Pink bubbles!
The stroller was now a bubble mobile!
Trying to stay out of the bubbles
Bubble blob

See?  She loves it now.
My kid cracks me up.
She was buried in bubbles
She was happy here, I promise.
Our feet

I think the whole thing could have been organized better but we had fun anyway.  On to week 5!