Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I just got back from a caribbean cruise.  I know, poor me.  But cruises really screw up your health and fitness plans.  I planned to use the gym on the ship every morning, I planned to never use an elevator, and I planned to eat as healthy as possible.

What actually happened:
I used the gym on the ship once (ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill) but there was almost no air conditioning in there, and the ceilings were really low, and it was really crowded and claustrophobic.  I also ran 1.5 miles on the outside track early one morning and did some yoga, but it was so hot and humid outside I drip sweat and it was really gross!

We were on the 1st floor, and the lido deck was the 10th floor and I started out only using the stairs…. But as the week went on, I started using the elevator anytime I'd have to go up 10 or more floors.  I still used the stairs more than anyone else in our clan though.

I ate almost as healthy as I usually do...really.  I chose the meals with the little heart next to it at dinner to signify the healthiest option.  ...But I ate dessert every night.  I started out eating half my dessert and by the last day, I ate two desserts.  Haha.  I also splurged big time and had a delicious cheeseburger for lunch once.  It was a Guy Fieri burger joint and everyone ooh'd and aah'd about the burgers so I decided one wouldn't kill me, and I didn't get fries.  And omg it was totally worth it.  I also HAD to go to the chocolate buffet once, right?  Aaaaaand...I also pretty much drank rum non-stop.

So anyway, all in all… for an 8 day cruise… it could have been a lot worse, right?  Right?!

So now I'm back, I have a triathlon this Saturday (it's Tuesday today) and of course I caught a cold (ugh traveling!) and I can't breathe out my nose.  I really should run today but who wants to run when they feel like garbage?  Also, the weekend before the cruise I ran 7.5 miles around a lake in Spokane and my right hip STILL hurts, (I really need to google some stretches and figure that all out), which is why I didn't run long distances on the ship. (That and all the other excuses I had.)

I also haven't been back on my bike since the STP.  (I know!  Gasp!)  It's been over a month and at first my bike was in time-out and I said (jokingly...sorta) that it was going on craigslist the next day.  But after the initial few days, I really did want to go for a ride.  My cycling wife and I kept planning rides, but something always came up and we kept having to cancel.  And our weekends were so full of family things after months of training that we just never had time.  I only have to ride 12 miles on Saturday which seems like nothing after 204 but I'm still nervous about it.  I HAVE to get on my freaking bike this week!

And then there's swimming.  I really suck at swimming.  I mean, I can swim enough not to drown but I'm super slow.  I don't doggy paddle, but my technique is pretty close.  I swam my 1/3 mile at the lake before the cruise, and I swam in the ocean during the cruise, but not as much as I planned.  The pools on the ship were tiny and really hot.  It was more like giant crowded hot tubs.

It's also supposed to rain on Saturday.  It's been gorgeous and over 80 degrees almost all summer (and for Seattle, that's crazy) and the day of the triathlon is when the beautiful weather finally ends.  I've been looking at borrowing/renting a wet suit for the swim.

I signed up for the Iron Girl Triathlon because I did it in 2003 (It used to be called the Danskin Triathlon) before I had kids and when I considered myself in the best shape ever.  I wanted to do it again this year to prove that years (and 2 kids) later I could beat my time.  Well I didn't do the Iron Girl because it was during the cruise.  So I signed up for the Bonney Lake Triathlon for this weekend because it's the same distance.  And I'm doing it alone.  And I'm really nervous.  ...Mostly about what to wear, and where to transition, and I'm extra worried about getting lost on the route.  I really would bail out if I didn't spend $100 to do it, and I already lost $120 for having to bail on the Iron Girl.

So… wish me luck… and no broken legs.  Off to google hip pain for runners...