Monday, November 9, 2015

Injured slacker

A couple of injury updates:

The cortisone shot in my low back to stop the numbness in my right foot was so much easier than I thought it would be.  I chose to skip the sedation and just suck it up and do it.  I don't think it hurt any more than getting an IV.  (I have really crappy veins and they always have trouble though.)  The numbing shot was the worst part, then it just felt kinda weird.  Afterwards my back hurt like I just worked out for... days.  So I sat around and watched TV with some ice.  My foot and calf felt all tingly like they were waking up from being numb for so long.  The next day, my back felt fine... but the numbness was back.  So that was all for nothing I guess.  *sigh*  Worth a try.  I guess I need to call and find out what the next step is.

Then I skipped an entire week of my training schedule due to my torn (I think... google self-diagnosing) calf muscle.  And found this awesome article about how to fix it and tried these "medicinal workouts" all last week and did about half the miles I was supposed to.  (2 instead of 4 on Tuesday/Thursday and 10 instead of 16 on Sunday)  Here's the link to the article:

I feel like a total slacker skipping miles on my training schedule but I guess I gotta do what I gotta do to heal properly.  VEGAS is this weekend baby!!!!!!  I want to have an awesome time doing the 5K on Saturday and the 1/2M on Sunday... and renewing my vows with my husband during the "Run Through Wedding".  Sounds so fun.  I need to keep slacking so I can make it through!  I think I'll be okay, it's definitely feeling better but I'm worried about my 20 miler the weekend after Vegas.  That seems soooooo far.

Anyway, I know it's a short update but there you have it.  Here's a couple photos of me finishing the Biggest Loser Half Marathon on a bum calf a couple weeks ago.