Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 11 Day 1 ~ The run that turned into a hike

After running 9.3 miles on Sunday I really wasn't looking forward to my run on Tuesday.  Usually my long run is on a Saturday so I have an extra day to recover.  I suppose that's why they call your next run your "recovery run" though and I decided to just go for it... no matter how slow.  Luckily since Chi Running is freaking amazing, I really wasn't as sore as I thought I would be.  I was feeling it in my core the most, and that's awesome actually.
So I decided (I realize I say "I decided" a lot in my blog.  I need to visit or something.  Sorry.) to take my dog down to Seahurst Park near my house and jog around back and forth down there.  I knew the path was only maybe a mile long but it was a gorgeous day, the park is right on the water, and it's just a couple miles from home. 
First off, Chi Running with my dog is impossible.  I can't look straight ahead because I have to look down at her and make sure she doesn't start wandering in front of me and I trip over her and break my neck.  Second, I can't swing my arms like I'm supposed to because I have to hold her leash and pull on it once in a while and say "heel" so she stays with me.  She may be fired as my running buddy unless I email my instructor and ask her for tips.  We'll have to go on extra walks instead. 
So we jogged about a mile and I noticed a trail at the end of the park that went straight up the hill.  I didn't know there were trails up there.  (In my defense we've only lived in this area a little over a year, and the park was closed for renovations until a few months ago.)  I so decided (see, there I go again.  Thesaurus, Kim.  Thesaurus) to run up the hill and see where it went.  It was steeper than I thought so my morning run turned into a hike.  It was gorgeous up there.  Views of the Puget Sound, huge trees, a creek running through, and super nice people saying good morning.  When we got to the top, it ended up in a nice neighborhood, and I took a different, narrower trail back down that weaved around a lot.  That's when my Garmin got all stupid again and kept pausing on me on switchbacks like my last trail run.  How freaking annoying!  I was out there 17 minutes more and a little more than a mile further than it said.  So I added that in manually on Strava.  Gotta get credit for every single mile, right? 
When we reached the park again, we ran back to the car.  All in all, a gorgeous active morning, but not a whole ton of running.  That was A-Okay with me!  (Also I had the gym to look forward to with VK Sista' later in the afternoon.)  Here's some photos from my hike....
Doesn't this look like something straight out of a fairy tale?

I thought our shadows looked cool

Few from the top

A little bridge over the creek