Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 11 Day 2 and 3 ~ Juggling life around training

My goal was to blog after every single training run but the 30 minute runs on the weekdays are becoming so uneventful that I just don't have anything to say about them.  At least not enough for a whole blog post.  I did my 30 minutes on Thursday, not very fast.  I ran from my house to a park down the street that I sorta forgot was there and did laps around a small track while this guy who looks like he could do a marathon in about an hour kept zooming past me.  And then I ran home, picked the kids up from school, and went to the gym.  See?  Week 11 Day 2: Blog post done.  Okay onward to day 3....
My training schedule said 3 miles.  I figured that was going to be super easy and I have the whole weekend to do it, I'll fit it in somewhere.  My son's 9th birthday was Friday so we took him to Great Wolf Lodge with his cousins Friday night.  I was going to try to hop on the treadmill there and do my 3 miles really quickly on Saturday morning but the kids stayed up so late that they actually slept in.  We got up about 8:30 and went down for the breakfast buffet so we could get as much water park time in as possible.  I figured chasing a toddler around, and climbing a ton of stairs to go on water slides was enough exercise for one day, but I planned to do my run when we got home.  That didn't happen either.  We were only home for about a half hour before we had to take our son to a hockey game for boy scouts.  AND my Vanderkitten jacket was finally delivered to my office so I had to run down and pick it up!  I could not wait! 
Sunday morning I was going to get up and go on my run before VK Sista' came over to go on a ride.  But oh yeah!  Daylight savings time!  Ugh.  I lost an hour so there went my time to run.  My brother and his girlfriend came over to babysit the kids so my husband could come on our ride too.  We wanted to take VK Sista' over to Vashon Island because she's never been.  We planned on doing a 25 mile ride, and I was going to do my 3 mile run after.  Well with those killer hills on Vashon, I pretty much died.  I don't know if it was just on off day, and I have a lingering cold AGAIN, but I just could not keep up with VK Sista' and my husband.  I just peddled and peddled and felt like I was standing still.  By the time we finished our ride, I had nothing left.  No run for me.  I walked up a couple hills though.  Maybe I got 3 miles on foot in somewhere? 
Anyway....Since I got my awesome new VKVIP jacket, I wanted to replace this "before and after" photo that I use here on my blog with one in my new kick ass gear...

But ya know, I really think I look slimmer in the color run photo so I haven't decided if I want to change my profile pic yet. 
I had VK Sista' take the photo for me and she started taking rapid shots with my phone and yelling "Paparazzi!"  Hahahaaa.  I love the last shot the best!  Like, "Give me my phone you crazy lady!"

The absolute best part is that when I uploaded the pic to the Vanderkitten VIP group page, Facebook doesn't recognize the old me!  I think that's pretty crazy!  Makes me smile!
And here's some photos from our ride on Vashon...

We stopped at a winery for a tasting because we missed the last ferry.  We had some time to kill.  Husband and I joined their wine club so now we get free tastings every time we ride on Vashon.  What a perfect reward at the end of a killer ride!!  ... and it made that last hill to the ferry a lot less scary!


So... I'm a wife and mother, and this weekend was crazy and I had to juggle a lot.  So what... I missed my 3 mile run, but I got a ride in.  (A brutal ride.)  So that's life.  Cousin talked me into doing a half marathon with her this coming Sunday.  I spontaneously signed up.  (AAHH!)  My training schedule says 11 miles.  What's 2.1 more?  I was trying to justify not getting my 3 miles in, thinking, "Well, I'm doing an extra 2.1 this weekend.  I shouldn't be ready for a half yet.  I should be tapering anyway."  But I don't need to justify anything.  I got done what I could!  Holy cow though!   My first half marathon this weekend!  Crazy crazy!  I really feel like I'm ready and I'm not nervous about it though.  Here's a photo of me crossing the finish line of my 15K... still smiling and feeling good!  I think I'll be ok!  (I hope I'll be ok!)