Sunday, March 29, 2015

Playing catch up after being sick

Hello all!  I haven't dropped off the planet.  I've just had the worst chest cold for over a week.  I've read that it's ok to exercise when you have a head cold, but if it's down in your chest, it isn't a good idea.  My lungs hurt, they feel like they're still full of junk, I still have a cough, and I felt achy and terrible for what seemed like forever.  I'm trying to play catch up with my training now that I'm finally feeling better.  I skipped 3 runs, 3 strength training sessions at the gym with VK Sista, and 1 yoga class.  *GASP!*  I felt like a lazy fat pig.  I swear my ass got fatter.

Anyway, I started trying to get back into the swing of things last Thursday by going to the gym with VK Sista.  I took it pretty easy.  I started with 3 miles on the stationary bike, then we did arms, back, and finished off with core by doing planks on a bosu ball.  We filmed it for another VK Sista who said for every 1 minute plank video that she got for her birthday, her coach would have to do 1 minute of planks.  Here's a couple screen shots of our video.  It was pretty funny….

Friday I decided I'd finally try to get a short run in again.  I jogged with the stroller about a mile to yoga class.  (Pretty slow pace since I felt like I still couldn't breathe.)  And then I spent yoga trying not to loudly sniff, or drip snot all over my yoga mat every time I did downward dog.  It was lovely.  Then I jogged with the stroller back home.  Here's my daughter enjoying the ride, blowing dandelion seeds….

And that brings me to today!  I went for a 22 mile ride around Lake Sammamish with VK Sista, and another friend who I'm going to call "The Cheetah" because she's my crazy runner friend who's at about a 7 minute pace.  We had a really fun ride at a really quick pace.  We finished in just over 90 minutes.  I'm feeling much better about my cycling now.  That day on Vashon must have been just an "off" day for me because I felt great today.  (Only had to blow my nose once!)  I could have gone even faster.  We finished our first 10 miles in about 35 minutes… and then we slowed down and chatted.  A 60-something year old guy randomly inserted himself in our pace line and we pulled him up a hill.  He said, "Thank you!  35 years from now, you'll understand how much I appreciated that!"  :)  (35 years?  We must look young!)  Here's a couple pics from our ride...

VK Sista, Me, The Cheetah
VK Sista taking an unsafe selfie of our high five!

I really wanted to get a 10K in today to help make up for my lack of running but it was a crazy day after the ride.  We had so many out-of-the-ordinary errands that it just felt like it wasn't in the cards.  I was really determined to get a run in though.  So after dinner (we went out and I had a giant chicken sandwich, salad, AND a beer)  I did a 5K on a track, belly full of food.  Not my fastest ever, but I did it!  I got a new plantar sleeve for my other foot and that seemed to help the pain I was having on the right side.  I need to do some googling on how to KT tape my ankles for my next half marathon this weekend though.  My husband brought the kids to the playground while I ran, and he filmed me going by so I could check how my Chi Running was doing.  I look pretty aligned actually…

Here's just a pic I took of my watch at the end of my run so I can submit it as a virtual 5K for the Las Vegas Rock 'n Roll Marathon and get a free t-shirt!  ….

And here's just a little fun fact to end my blog entry today…  My niece joined track at her elementary school.  How freaking cute is she!?  She looks super fast, doesn't she?   :)