Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Running in a hail storm

Since I wanted to get 6 miles in last Sunday and my day was too crazy and I only got in 3 miles,  I wanted to try to get 6 miles in yesterday instead of my usual 30 minute run.  Does that even make sense?  Anyway, 6 miles on a weekday for me is too much when I work, pick up the kids, go to the gym, make dinner...etc.  So when traffic wasn't as bad as I thought, and I got home from work exactly an hour before I had to pick up the kids, I thought I'd just do as many miles as I could in that hour. 

The weather was really weird yesterday.  It was sunny and beautiful, then a huge cloud would come by and it would pour, then it would be sunny again.  So I went home and decided I'd just do my miles on my treadmill.  After about a quarter of a mile on my "dreadmill", looking out the window at the sunshine... I checked the map on my weather app and didn't see a rain cloud in sight.  So I decided to hop off and head outside. 

My plan was to run the 1 mile loop by my son's school that I did when I helped with Girl's on the Run.  I would go around the block until school was out.  Problem with that loop is that half of it is a huge hill.  I always avoid hills.  I saw this on Pinterest the other day though and it really inspired me. I kept repeating this in my head each time I'd reach the hill and kept going! 

I felt like I was running in place, but I didn't stop to walk!

About 3 1/2 miles in, the inside of my ankles started hurting again.  I'm worried about doing this half marathon on Sunday.  I think I'm slowly killing my posterior tibial tendons.  I've been doing a lot of googling to research how to fix this problem.  Foam roll, tape, ice, massage, stretching...  I'm doing all of those things but not nearly enough.  Everything I've read just says to rest and ice.  I don't have time to rest!  I really might opt to do the 6.5 mile run on Sunday instead of the half.  I don't want to damage them more, and then have to rest even longer.  We'll see how they do.  Stupid ankles.  Here's a pic of where my problem is in case you're wondering or have had the same problem...

Anyway, the sun was beating down on me, my ankles were hurting, I was trying to practice my chi running (I think my week off made my core muscles hide or something), and I was doing my best at running up hills.  Then a huge cloud came over head and it started raining.  At first I was like, OMG YES!  It felt amazing!  Then it turned into a complete downpour... with HAIL.  My mascara was running into my eyes... and my hair, clothes, shoes, and socks were getting completely soaked.  Also the hail was hitting my head and it kinda hurt.  It was crazy out there!  I ran another half mile back to my son's school and took my phone out of my arm band because it was getting soaked too.  I took a quick couple of selfies running down the road.  Can you see the hail in my hair?

I stopped just short of 4 miles when I saw my son's friend's mom standing with an umbrella and I asked if I could share.  I was freezing standing there for 10 minutes waiting for my son to get out of school.  This girl was wearing a Hot Chocolate 15K/5K hoodie so I was like, "Hey!  I was there too!  Did you do the 5K or the 15K?"  And we got to chatting under the umbrella.  (She did the 5K) She runs almost every morning after dropping her son off at school.  I asked her what distance and what her pace is and she says she does between 3-5 miles, and her pace is 12, 11 if she's lucky and doesn't bring her dog along.  ME TOO!  I told her we need to exchange numbers and run together.   She was so sweet and gave my me and my son a ride down the street to my daughter's daycare.  We texted last night and we're meeting for a 3 mile run on Thursday morning.  Hooray!  I have a new running buddy in my neighborhood!  I'm excited!  I hope the hail stays away!

I finished the day by jogging home from my daughter's daycare carrying my 2 year old, and wearing my 9 year old son's hoodie that was in his backpack.   I changed into dry gym clothes (although my bra was still wet) and went to the gym with VK Sista' and husband.  I did an extra mile on the treadmill, and then we had leg/core day.  Woo! 

All in all, a crazy but good day.  Can't wait for tomorrow!