Sunday, April 5, 2015

I can do it. I can't do it. I'm not going to make it. I'm totally going to make it!

That's what goes back and forth in my head during a half marathon.  "What am I doing?  I can't do this.  I can totally do this.  Everything hurts!  I'm feeling really good!  I'll just stop at 6.5 and call it a day.  Go me!  Run run!  Nope... I have to walk. I'm rocking this!  I can finish the whole 13.1!"  

I can't believe I finished my second half marathon in 3 weeks!  I was completely prepared to call 6.5 great for one day.  My ankles were hurting on mile one despite KT Tape, compression sleeves, and plantar sleeves.  But they never felt any worse than they did that first mile.  It was just a constant ache that I just dealt with, practiced Chi Running the best I could, and chugged along.  At the halfway point I decided I felt good enough to go all the way...and I did!!!

My pace wasn't as good as the last half I did.  Maybe the pouring rain was a great motivator to go as fast as I could and finish.  Today was chilly but sunny (freaking hooray for that!), and the trail was flat and followed a gorgeous river.   Cousin and I stayed together the whole time and we had fun!  (As fun as you can have while torturing your body!)  A few people passing by said we run in sync.  Our stride is exactly the same, we hit the pavement in unison.  We make awesome running buddies!  

Husband went on a 40 mile ride on his new bike out there.  He'd go miles down the trail and then come find us and peddle alongside of us for a while.  That was fun too.  

About 3/4 of the way through, an older lady out for a jog stopped at our turn around point and cheered us on and gave us high-fives.  How awesome was she?  We also spent all morning yelling "Happy Easter" and cheering everyone on who was also doing the race (and other runners and cyclists who weren't.  Some thought we were weird, others cheered back!)

Anyway...  Done!  We got extra special medals because we did both the Seward Park Half AND the Orting Trail Half.  :)

I was looking up what the requirements are to be a "Half Fanatic" because there were a lot of them there today.  (Cheetah told me about it a while ago too.)  It's 2 half marathons in a 16 day period, or 3 half marathons in a 90 day period.  After the Tinkerbell, I'll officially qualify.  I have no idea what that means or what that'll get me, but it'll be fun to look into more!

Here's some goofy pics of cousin and me that husband took today: