I'm feeling really out of shape lately. I know that the skipped training runs are a big part of that but I feel like I've gained 20 lbs. I haven't actually weighed myself and I doubt that's really true but I just feel fat. Like I'm uncomfortable in my own body and I can feel fat rolls everywhere and it's all I pay attention to. I hate that feeling and I swore I'd never go back to that after losing all my weight. So it's weird that I haven't gone back and I feel like that anyway. I'm not sure what's up.
I find myself comparing myself to other women, wishing I had someone else's body. Especially in yoga class since there are big mirrors on every wall showing every awful angle. I look like a whale. I hate those mirrors. What's interesting though is that the last time VK Sista' came to yoga with me she was complaining about her thighs. She sees her thighs the same way I see mine, but she's teeny tiny and in amazing shape. If she's not happy with herself, will I ever be?
How can I be preparing to do my second half marathon tomorrow and not feel like I'm in shape? I feel like I need to go on one of those unhealthy eat-nothing-for-a-month sorta cleanses. I know that's not good though. I should probably at least attempt to cut down on mochas and wine. ...Maybe I should start counting points again...make sure I get all my fruits, veggies, and water in...stop the froyo. Ugh. Idk. I just need to tone up, lean out, and speed up!
Anyway, wish me luck on the half tomorrow. If my ankles don't hold up I reserve the right to stop at the 6.5 distance. Here's everything all laid out for morning...
Oh and one last photo because it's my favorite ever...
Husband finished building his bike and our son wanted to go ride up and down the street with him. So that means our daughter had to go outside on her balance bike too. With my little family of cyclists looking so adorable, I put on my helmet for selfie purposes only and my husband got this amazing shot. Love, love, love it.