Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Week 2 Day 1... cheating on the trainer.

I was supposed to run for 30 minutes yesterday but my husband wanted to get on his bike trainer last night after the kids went to bed, and I thought it would be more fun to get on my trainer in the basement with him and chat instead of going upstairs to run on my treadmill alone.  So, that's what I did.  It's probably cheating, but at least it's exercise.  I knew that the first 2 weeks of this half marathon schedule was going to be sorta hit and miss since it's the holidays, the kids are out of school, etc.  I'll get into a better routine starting this weekend.

So here's a photo of me, in my jeans, on my bike in the basement.  (Excuse the ugly basement floor.)  This is how I'm being as lazy as possible, but still exercising.  The only thing that would make it worse is if I was eating chocolate or something while peddling.  (Which I was not... but I did have a burger at Red Robin right before.)  I really should look into finding a cheap treadmill so I have one upstairs AND downstairs.  Wow... I have a problem, don't I?  :)  Onward to 2015!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Week 1 Day 3 ~ New running buddy

My half marathon training schedule said to run for 2 miles last weekend.  No big deal.  Well, I got a new running buddy... a 4 year old German Shepherd named Athena.  Our run was a much bigger deal than I thought it was going to be.  She isn't very well trained to run.  Although she's super fast and never looked like she was exerting any energy at all... she pulls on her leash, and darts in front of me every once in a while.  I really thought I was going to trip over her and break my neck!  She tried chasing a squirrel once, she stopped abruptly to drink out of puddles, and she wanted to bark and play with other dogs.  It was a challenge to keep her focused so my pace was pretty slow.  13.28 average I think.  And it was the first time I decided to try using Strava instead of Mapmyride because I'm in the Vanderkitten VIP group on there.  These other kittens are going to think I'm super slow! 

At the end of our two miles, Athena really started to heel and stay with me.  So I think she'll get it, it'll just take more practice.  She'll be awesome motivation since she's super fast and she's having a blast!  ... and she can drag me up hills if need be.  :) 

Week 1 Day 2 ~ No excuses (Elliptical on Christmas)

I was supposed to run for 30 minutes on Christmas... 20 degrees in the ice and snow... in Bend Oregon.  Yeah, that wasn't happening.  There might be some hardcore runners out there that think that would be no big deal, but me?  Nah.  However, I jumped on my brother-in-law's elliptical and did 30 minutes on there instead.  My kiddo even joined me for a few minutes. 

I downloaded a workout calendar app a few weeks ago and put in all my required runs for my half marathon training until May.  It's really satisfying to check off the day as complete.  I'm determined to check off every single one of them. 

So, all in all, I did well on our little Christmas vacation.  I ate healthy (Besides eating my weight in chocolate covered coconut almonds) and stayed active.  We even took the kids to a big bouncy place and I jumped and crawled through obstacle courses with the kids for hours.  So nice to have the energy to do that!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Week 1 Day 1!!!

I decided it's important to document that I started my 21 week half marathon training last night.  I did my 30 minutes on my treadmill with my new ipod shuffle and new playlist (which made treadmill running almost not boring)  .... and then I ate a brownie.  :)

My jaw throbbed a little during my cool down which I thought was weird but all in all, I think it's pretty well healed for this.  Another note... I have a blister on my middle toe from my vibrams.  I don't know what's up with my shoes lately.  I feel like I need to throw baby powder in there or something... or try socks with them again.  I don't know, I may give up and just wear my new running shoes for a while.

Monday, December 22, 2014

21 week Half Marathon Training

Today I'm supposed to start a 21 week half marathon training plan with my BFF.  21 freaking weeks until our Disney half marathon.  Aaaahhh!  I'm feeling completely unmotivated to start training today.  It's 3 days before Christmas and I just want to get through the holidays.  It's been really hard this month since it's the first year celebrating the holidays without my stepmom.  We all really miss her.  Bah humbug this year! 

Also, since I'm now able to chew, after not being able to for weeks and weeks... I'm eating everything in sight.  I've gained at least 3 lbs back.  I can't stop with the evil Christmas cookies.  I need to order an AdvoCare cleanse and get back on track.  I'm feeling very blah.

It's only 30 minutes...
I downloaded hours of new music...
It's only 30 minutes....
It's really not a big deal...
It's only 30 minutes...
Think of how great I'll feel after my run...

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The jaw saga

I realize I haven't posted anything about my month of living on smoothies.  I had oral surgery on November 7th.  I had two implants and a lot of bone grafting on the right side of my mouth.  Well, what was supposed to be 3-5 days of drinking smoothies, turned into over a month of smoothies.  My whole jaw hurt so my oral surgeon was afraid I had a fracture and put me on a liquid diet.  I didn't even get to enjoy Thanksgiving.  I'm just now able to eat soft foods again.  Do you know how bad I want a freaking steak!?

Well, I didn't tell my oral surgeon this but a little over a week after my surgery, I did a practice 5K for Girls on the Run.  (I'm addicted I tell you!)  I think that's sorta where things went downhill for me in the healing process.  I didn't realize running would be so jarring on my jaw.  I had to go home that night and take the good painkillers.  But, what's done is done.  I haven't been on a run since.  If I jog even a little bit, my jaw throbs.  I'm taking things super easy because I have to start training for our half marathon in just a couple weeks.

In other news… My husband's broken thumb is 95% better (I can't believe how fast he has healed after his surgery!  If only I had that luck!) So he's been getting on the trainer to ride his bike down in the basement almost every night.  I went down to ride with him over the weekend and as soon as I get on my bike, my middle right toes go numb.  Ugh I thought I fixed this.  I'm sure I've said before but I have a ruptured disc in my low back (L4-L5).  It's been that way since 1999.  I regularly go to the chiropractor, do yoga, get massages, acupuncture, etc.  I've been told in the past that I needed surgery. My chiropractor told me not to do the STP last year because I could give myself permanent nerve damage.  I did it anyway.  Some days I have no problems at all, and some days I'm numb my whole ride.  At the 50 mile mark on the STP, a friend said to try unclipping from my right pedal once in a while and that seemed to help and got me through the next 150 miles that day.  But now I'm worried about continuing to ride.  I really need to get this problem fixed but after the jaw saga, I can't even imagine how long it would take me to recover from back surgery.  I'm too busy for that, and I can't afford the time off work.  It's been really on my mind lately though.

And just so I can end on a good note… I won the weight loss competition with my dad and sister!  I lost 20 lbs on my smoothie diet.  This means I'm 5 lbs less than I was when I rode the STP this summer.  I hope to get down another 10 lbs for running season.  The less weight I have to carry with me, the better!  OH!  And you know what I realized the other day?  I am 100 lbs less than I was when I was 9 months pregnant with my son.  I was 268 back then.  I know that's cheating a little but come on… how much of that weight was baby?  He was only 7 lbs 15 oz when he was born.  I was HUGE!  :)

Monday, December 8, 2014


I was accepted as a 2015 Vanderkitten VIP Brand Ambassador!  That's kind of nuts and I'm really pretty shocked I was chosen.  I'm humbled and honored that they think I kick ass in sports enough to represent their brand.  I was added to the VKVIP closed Facebook group today and was reading all the new member's posts of excitement.  Everyone saying hello, where they're from, and grateful for their acceptance into this group of amazing women.  Honestly, I'm a bit overwhelmed and nervous about the whole endeavor, as there's a lot of hardcore women doing awesome things.  I hope I fit in!

More info on their website if you've never heard of Vanderkitten: