Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Week 1 Day 3 ~ New running buddy

My half marathon training schedule said to run for 2 miles last weekend.  No big deal.  Well, I got a new running buddy... a 4 year old German Shepherd named Athena.  Our run was a much bigger deal than I thought it was going to be.  She isn't very well trained to run.  Although she's super fast and never looked like she was exerting any energy at all... she pulls on her leash, and darts in front of me every once in a while.  I really thought I was going to trip over her and break my neck!  She tried chasing a squirrel once, she stopped abruptly to drink out of puddles, and she wanted to bark and play with other dogs.  It was a challenge to keep her focused so my pace was pretty slow.  13.28 average I think.  And it was the first time I decided to try using Strava instead of Mapmyride because I'm in the Vanderkitten VIP group on there.  These other kittens are going to think I'm super slow! 

At the end of our two miles, Athena really started to heel and stay with me.  So I think she'll get it, it'll just take more practice.  She'll be awesome motivation since she's super fast and she's having a blast!  ... and she can drag me up hills if need be.  :)