Thursday, December 11, 2014

The jaw saga

I realize I haven't posted anything about my month of living on smoothies.  I had oral surgery on November 7th.  I had two implants and a lot of bone grafting on the right side of my mouth.  Well, what was supposed to be 3-5 days of drinking smoothies, turned into over a month of smoothies.  My whole jaw hurt so my oral surgeon was afraid I had a fracture and put me on a liquid diet.  I didn't even get to enjoy Thanksgiving.  I'm just now able to eat soft foods again.  Do you know how bad I want a freaking steak!?

Well, I didn't tell my oral surgeon this but a little over a week after my surgery, I did a practice 5K for Girls on the Run.  (I'm addicted I tell you!)  I think that's sorta where things went downhill for me in the healing process.  I didn't realize running would be so jarring on my jaw.  I had to go home that night and take the good painkillers.  But, what's done is done.  I haven't been on a run since.  If I jog even a little bit, my jaw throbs.  I'm taking things super easy because I have to start training for our half marathon in just a couple weeks.

In other news… My husband's broken thumb is 95% better (I can't believe how fast he has healed after his surgery!  If only I had that luck!) So he's been getting on the trainer to ride his bike down in the basement almost every night.  I went down to ride with him over the weekend and as soon as I get on my bike, my middle right toes go numb.  Ugh I thought I fixed this.  I'm sure I've said before but I have a ruptured disc in my low back (L4-L5).  It's been that way since 1999.  I regularly go to the chiropractor, do yoga, get massages, acupuncture, etc.  I've been told in the past that I needed surgery. My chiropractor told me not to do the STP last year because I could give myself permanent nerve damage.  I did it anyway.  Some days I have no problems at all, and some days I'm numb my whole ride.  At the 50 mile mark on the STP, a friend said to try unclipping from my right pedal once in a while and that seemed to help and got me through the next 150 miles that day.  But now I'm worried about continuing to ride.  I really need to get this problem fixed but after the jaw saga, I can't even imagine how long it would take me to recover from back surgery.  I'm too busy for that, and I can't afford the time off work.  It's been really on my mind lately though.

And just so I can end on a good note… I won the weight loss competition with my dad and sister!  I lost 20 lbs on my smoothie diet.  This means I'm 5 lbs less than I was when I rode the STP this summer.  I hope to get down another 10 lbs for running season.  The less weight I have to carry with me, the better!  OH!  And you know what I realized the other day?  I am 100 lbs less than I was when I was 9 months pregnant with my son.  I was 268 back then.  I know that's cheating a little but come on… how much of that weight was baby?  He was only 7 lbs 15 oz when he was born.  I was HUGE!  :)