Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 6 Day 2… barely.

Everyone is allowed to have a bad day once in a while, right?  I did not want to run yesterday.  I wanted to eat my weight in chocolate and sit on my fat butt.  (I really have been eating a lot of chocolate lately… along with an entire bag of Trader Joe's white cheddar puffs... and a couple margaritas. Ugh!)  I'm feeling really overwhelmed and unmotivated this week.  Let's contemplate why that might be:

It might be the beautiful sunny day cycling on Monday.  It was just a big ol' teaser for spring and Tuesday hit and it set in that it really IS only January.

It might be my girly cycle linked up with someone else's and it's that time of month.  And I was having a fat day.
It might be that I'm discouraged because a friend of mine commented that she's going to walk 16 miles in a couple weeks and thinks it's no big deal at all.  I mean, what the heck am I training for months for if anyone can just walk out their front door and not stop until they've walked more than a half marathon?

Or maybe it's Mercury in retrograde.

Anyway, who knows.  I just didn't want to run, but I wasn't about to give up on my training schedule.  Enough excuses, get it done!  So I compromised.  I average about 2.5 miles each time I run with my dog for 30 minutes in the morning.  So I decided I would run around my neighborhood for 1.5 miles after dropping my kids off for school/daycare.  And then I would run a mile on the treadmill in the afternoon when I met VK Sista' at the gym for "arm day".  So I had "Week 6 Day 2 Part 1" and "Week 6 Day 2 Part 2"on Strava.  It seemed so much less daunting to split it in half.  And I averaged around 11:30 pace for both.  I did not take any photos during either run… sorry... You're lucky I ran at all!

I went to yoga this morning and it was perfect.  I feel like I finally found a yoga instructor that I like in a time slot that works for me.  She was awesome.  I vowed to eat better today but so far that hasn't happened.  I had Special K chocolate almond cereal for breakfast AND lunch… and a couple (who am I kidding, a FEW) Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups.  I've been using myfitnesspal because it links up with my garmin and holy cow do I eat more calories than I thought I did!  It's been trial and error the last week or so.  Some days I'm ahead and some days I'm so very behind.  I really need to get online and order a new AdvoCare herbal cleanse…. AFTER Super Bowl Sunday.  :)

Tomorrow is a 10K on a track with BFF.  I hope I feel more motivated tomorrow and I hope I can at least get a healthy dinner in.  I'm telling you right now though that I'd rather have Pad Thai and huge beer.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 6 Day 1 ~ Can' from cycling!

Yesterday was almost 70 degrees... in January... in Seattle!  It was absolutely beautiful.  In the past, when it's been unusually nice out, my first thought was to go down to some restaurant on the water and eat fish and chips.  I saw a lot of friends on facebook did that yesterday.  We used to do that all the time...  We'd go to Ivars at Coulon Beach Park, Salty's in Redondo beach, or Steamers at Titlow Park...etc.  Now when it gets nice the first thought I have is to go for a ride.  Why sit and eat while looking at the water when I can ride around the lake?  It's crazy to me how far I've come and how completely different I am from that lazy fat girl I used to be. 

Here's some photos from my ride with my Vanderkitten Sista' yesterday:

Vanderkitten Stickers!
A quick selfie before going over the I-90 Bridge

Me riding near Seward Park

VK Sista' at Sunset

Gorgeous sunset near Coulon Beach Park

We did a little over 30 miles on the lower Lake Washington Loop and included Mercer Island.  It smelled like summer.  Still can't believe it's January.  The husband went for a ride yesterday too.  He rode into work, worked for about an hour, and then decided it was too nice to be there. (Technically it was his day off anyway) So he rode around the entire lake, and then bonked at mile 75ish and stopped at a Subway.  I picked him up at mile 84.  Can't believe he almost did a century yesterday.  Proud of him!

Anyway, that brings me to today.  Just a 30 minute run around my neighborhood with my dog and my legs were DEAD.  It was like trying to pick up logs, they felt so heavy.  After a 5K on Sunday and 31 miles on my bike yesterday... running was just not going to work.  My pace was 13:33.  I'm lucky I even went that fast.  VK Sista' and I are skipping our gym workout this afternoon and going to yoga tonight instead.  That sounds fantastic.  Can't wait!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week 5 Day 3 ~5K on a track

I decided I wanted to try to run my 3 miles alone on a track today.  No dog, no friends, just me and my music.  (Sometime I need to post my playlist.  Good music is sooooo important for running!)  I thought a track would be the perfect place to see how fast I could go.  I went down to the high school track because I thought it would be nice and squishy but there was a soccer game going on so I tried the middle school.  There's a track, and it's flat, but it's made of packed gravel...

Well, better than nothing.  There was one other guy out there jogging and he said, "Good morning!" as he passed by when I was getting my jacket, phone, headphones, and watch ready.  By the time I was ready, he was halfway across the track and I decided it would be my goal to try to lap him.  So, off I went.  I totally lapped him… twice!  I also lapped another girl who showed up halfway through!  I ran for 2 miles without stopping and then I grabbed my water and power-walked a lap.  (Each lap was about .23 of a mile according to my watch.)  Then I ran the rest of the last mile.  My goal was to finish my 5K in 34 minutes because I THINK that was my fastest 5K time to date at the Fiesta 5K Ole last year but VK Sista' swears it was 35 something.  Well, I ended up finishing 3.1 miles in 35:29.  11:48 pace.  So, not quite as fast as I wanted but pretty darn close!  I was super excited!  It's fun to think that I just do quick and easy 5K's on the weekends when a 5K used to seem like a REALLY long way!  I remember my husband was making fun of me last year when I said I wanted to sign up for a 5K a month.  He thought I was crazy.  Ha!  Look how far I've come in less than a year!  :)

After run selfie

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 5 Day 2 ~People watching at the gym

My 30 minute run on Thursday was pretty uneventful.  Met VK Sista' at the gym and did my time on the "dreadmill".  A pretty easy 12:25 pace.  And then...leg day!  (Ouch my hamstrings are still killing me from dead lifts!)

What made this gym visit entertaining was the people watching.  We've been going twice a week to strength train for about a month now and we see a lot of the same characters.  Some of them we've even named.  However, Thursday must have been a full moon or something because the gym was full of crazies.  

Take this guy for example....

My 30 minute run went by so fast because of the show he was putting on in front of us.  He was using the calf raise machine in the weirdest ways.  He'd stand under it to do bicep curls, and then hang off of it for a while, then he punched it like a punching bag. (Seen in this blurry pic from my treadmill.)

And then there's this girl we call "our best friend".  She wears almost nothing (having pants on was a first!). She lifts weights, does a "look at me, I'm so hot" lap around the gym, then lifts again, repeat.  Thursday she was doing these really bazaar push-ups off the bench using a pull down bar in front of her on the floor.  I mean, more power to her, she looks great... But she's crazy. 

A few other honorable mentions not pictured (I'll catch them sometime!):

The girl we see on the stationary bike everytime we come that peddles for like an hour on the highest intensity setting and looks like she's going to give herself a hernia.  

And there's another girl with huge poofy hair who works out on the oblique machine with jean shorts and a sequined top.  

And a couple of guys in jeans and giant work boots who like to hang out on the leg press machine.  

I wonder if we're getting made fun of in someone else's blog?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Week 5 Day 1… with a summary of my first month of training!

Just a usual morning neighborhood jog with my dog.  She actually did fantastic!  Maybe she's actually starting to get this whole running concept!  AND I tied my headphones into my hair again so they didn't tug on my ears….


I'm a genius I tell you!  I should put this on Pinterest or something!  Saves me from wanting to rip them in half and buy a new pair.  AND it was a beautiful sunny morning.  Dare I say it was actually an ENJOYABLE run?  And I had my fastest mile since I started my half marathon schedule: 10:48!  Too bad I had to walk after that.  Ha.  My pace was the same as it was when I just leisurely jogged along the whole 30 minutes last week.  

Other than that, not much to report.  Went to the gym with Vanderkitten Sista' yesterday afternoon, and tomorrow is Week 5 Day 2 but it's supposed to rain so I'll probably do it on the treadmill when I meet her at the gym tomorrow.  

OH!  I remember what I was going to do!  Since I'm on month 2 now and super proud of myself for not skipping a day, I thought I'd post all my stats from month 1….kind of a summary so far so I can compare these numbers next month:

Week 1 Day 1: 30 minutes run on my treadmill.  Pre-Garmin so I don't know my stats.  :)
Week 1 Day 2: 30 minutes on the elliptical on Christmas.
Week 1 Day 3: 2 miles with Athena. 27:07 minutes.  13:28 pace

Week 2 Day 1: 30 minutes on my bike trainer.
Week 2 Day 2: New Years Day 50 mile bike ride around Lake Washington
Week 2 Day 3: 4 miles with BFF.  57:53 minutes.  14:13 pace

Week 3 Day 1: 30 minute run 2.3 miles. 13:01 pace
Week 3 Day 2: 30 minute treadmill run. 2.6 miles. 11:33 pace
Week 3 Day 3: 20 mile bike ride AND 3 miles with VK Sista. 37:39 minutes 12:33 pace.

Week 4 Day 1: 30 minute run 2.5 miles. 11:56 pace
Week 4 Day 2: 30 minute treadmill run 2.5 miles 12:16 pace
Week 4 Day 3: 5.5 miles with Athena.  1:15:30. 13:44 pace

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week 4 Day 3 ~"Squirrel!!" (5.5 miles)

BFF was sick and Vanderkitten Sista' did way too much dancing the night before… so it was just me and my dog for a 5.5 mile run.  It was pouring outside (Thanks Seattle) but I didn't want to be on the boring treadmill that long.  I decided I wanted to run on Alki Beach.  It's flat, paved, and beautiful.  My husband had to swing by the Seattle Aquarium to pick up water for our saltwater tank so I told him to drop me off at Alki, get water, and when he came back he'd probably only be waiting for me for 15 minutes or so.

We drove down through West Seattle towards the beach and I kept seeing other crazy people out for a run in the rain.  I couldn't believe that I was about to be one of these crazy people… that I was THAT determined.  Up in the neighborhoods above Alki, we passed a fast guy with a hydration pack and I said, "That guy is extra hardcore.  He must be planning on running REALLY far today in the rain."

I got out of the car with my dog when I decided the view was pretty enough, walked her across the street, and stepped in a giant puddle.  I watched my husband drive away feeling the cold water seep into my sock, rain drops splattering my face, and thought, "Well, here we go."  I started my Garmin and took off down the beach past all those beach houses I wish I could afford.  The guy with the hydration pack passed me.  There was a lot more people out than I anticipated.  I spent the next two and a half miles or so yelling at my dog while she darted here and there as we passed people, other dogs, seagulls, bikes, cars…  (No squirrels even though that's what I named this post.  You've seen the movie Up, right?  That's what she's like... "Squirrel!")  She was driving me crazy.  I was so, so frustrated.  I wasn't able to enjoy the view because I had to watch for other people and dogs coming my way so I could avoid them so Athena wouldn't bark. (She sounds really scary when she barks even though she probably just wants to play.) "Heel Athena.  *breathe*  No!  Heel.  Hey!  No! *huffing and puffing* Athena!  Heel!  *breathe*  Heel!  Heel.  Heel!  Heel!"

My headphones were driving me crazy too.  (Yeah, I know, I still need to buy new headphones.)  I stopped and tied the back of my headphones into my ponytail.  That seemed to help the tugging but I was still pretty miserable, especially since my sock was still wet, and my knees were hurting which was a new thing for this run.  However the rain was starting to let up which was nice.  I was so done with the dog, I called my husband to tell him to get back asap, find me, and pick up the dog.

Around the 2.5 mile mark I started getting heart palpitations, and started getting freaked out about it.  I was getting them last year while cycling and since my sister has heart problems, I was hooked up to a holter monitor for a weekend and I was told they're relatively normal.  After having issues with anxiety and panic attacks, I figured out they're probably mostly related to stress… and this dog was definitely stressing me out.  I slowed to a walk, took some deep breaths, and focused on the ferries out on the water to calm down.  I started feeling better after probably half a mile so I started out on a jog again, watching every car coming around the corner hoping it was my husband to take Athena.  The guy with the hydration pack made rounds again and smiled and said, "Good morning!" when he passed me.  He must have known I needed a little extra encouragement.  I probably looked like hell.

So, maybe around the 3 mile mark, Athena finally got into a groove and stayed with me.  The rain stopped completely and I rounded the corner so I could see the Seattle skyline in front of me.  At mile 4, I saw my my husband in the car up ahead and I handed Athena off to him, grabbed a quick sip of water, and headed off on my own.  I was so excited that it was just me and my tunes again.  And I only had a mile and a half to go!  My husband took a couple pics of me running with Seattle in the background.  I'm finally smiling!


I made it all the way to the cycle shop at the end of Harbor Ave and I still had .4 of a mile to go so I turned around and headed back the other way.  I cannot believe that I just ran the entire length of Alki Beach and it still wasn't enough mileage.  The whole way I kept trying to focus on how far I've come rather than how far I still had to go.  At exactly 5.5 miles, I stopped my Garmin and walked back and forth a bit to catch my breath before hopping in the car.  I was so excited to be done.  Finished 5.5 miles in 1 hour and 15 minutes.  13:44 mile pace.  (Which was better than I thought with all the dog tugging, and walking!)  I want to do my next long run with BFF down at Alki.  No dogs this time though...  I'll work on training her on my 30 minute runs around my neighborhood but for now, the long runs are all mine.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Week 4 Day 2 ~ Super Kittens!

It was supposed to rain so I decided I'd do my 30 minutes on the treadmill when I met Vanderkitten Sista' at the gym in the afternoon.  Turns out it was gorgeous yesterday morning… but I already took a shower... so oh well.  I really didn't feel like going to the gym yesterday.  I was super tired and needed like 18 shots of coffee to function.  But, I sucked it up, sparked it up, and went anyway.  My treadmill time was pretty slow (12:16 pace)…. and I was trying really hard to be faster too!  It just was not happening.  Once time, I dropped my phone on the emergency stop button and I didn't want to screw up my pace time so I ran in place on a non-moving treadmill while I picked up my phone, put my earbud back in, and got it going again.  Hahahhaaaa.  Vanderkitten Sista' was laughing at me.  Yes, I am a huge dork.

After my run, Vanderkitten Sista' and I did a "strength training workout for cyclists" that another Vanderkitten had posted online.  I think we were both so tired that we were delirious and laughed the whole time.  Here's our Super Kitten selfie!!

I'm supposed to run 5.5 miles this Saturday but BFF is sick so either I'm doing it alone, or dragging Vanderkitten Sista' with me (or vice versa).  We shall see.  The weather is supposed to be terrible but I really don't want to be on the "dreadmill" for that long.  Yoga this morning, run tomorrow.  Still need coffee.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 4 Day 1 ~ 30 minutes no walking!

Today I decided I wanted to run alone around my neighborhood.  No dog, no friends.  Just me and my tunes.  I felt bad for not bringing my dog though since that's kind of a big reason I got her.  We're still working on heeling beside me and not killing me though and I just wanted a break from that.  I decided to at least take her for a walk to take the kids to school/daycare this morning.  My cat decided to tag along too.  So funny…

Anyway, I dropped her back off at home and took off on my own.  It was pretty fantastic just me and my music.  The sun came out once in a while, I have awesome views of the water, and I just kept going and going until my Garmin Forerunner 920 buzzed and said I was at the 30 minute mark.  (I freaking LOVE my watch by the way!)  I never stopped to walk.  I jogged the entire 30 minutes.  I'm super proud of myself.  My pace was only 11:55 so I'm still pretty darn slow but you know what?  Who cares!?  I'm not in this to win any races.  I just want to finish.  :)  I took a post-run sweaty selfie on my walk home for you all to enjoy.  Haha…

And later this afternoon, it's upper body/core day with my Vanderkitten Sista' at the gym!  Love it!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 3 Day 3... after a 20 mile ride!

Yesterday I went for a 20 mile ride on the Cedar River Trail with my Vanderkitten Sista', my 8 year old son, and my husband pulling our 2 year old daughter in the bike trailer.  I am so, so proud of my kiddo for making it the whole way.  He was tiring out and I told him he could have some caffeine at the halfway point.  He thought he was so cool because I let him have a couple sips of AdvoCare Spark, and a salted caramel gel.  He thinks caffeine kicks in right away and instantly had a crazy amount of energy... too funny.  It was a great ride even though the baby was crying until she passed out at mile 6, and even though I spent the entire 20 miles trying to encourage my son and cheering him on, and yelling at him to stay to the right.  Also, I timed the weather perfectly and the rain stayed away.  Here's a pic my husband took while following me to the trail... 

Ah, Seattle weather...

And here's us at the halfway point!

So, after the ride the husband took the kids home and Vanderkitten Sista' and I stayed to run the 3 miles my half marathon training schedule said to do that day.  We ate half a PB&J and a banana, changed my pants... and took off...
But first... lemme take a selfie!  ....

It was really different running with her.  We've only ever done one 5K together.  Either I run alone, with my dog, or with my BFF.  When I run with my BFF, she's slower than I am so I just jog happily along cheering her on, itching to go faster.  Well, Vanderkitten Sista' is faster than me so the roles switched.  I'm dying... especially after the 20 mile ride.  She kept trotting along like it was no big deal encouraging me not to walk and pointing out how much further ahead we needed to make it.  I really appreciated her pushing me... I really needed that... even though sometimes it was a little annoying to see her barely breaking a sweat while I want to stop.  Perhaps I should be slightly less encouraging when I run with BFF?  I'm probably annoying the hell out of her!  It was different being in her shoes.  Haha.  That said, even though it sucked, it was wonderful to be pushed and I want to run with Vanderkitten Sista' more often.  She agreed to do my 3 mile runs with me every other week, and I'll continue to do the longer runs with BFF. 

Last night my back did the painful "Tin Man" thing again and got stuck, my plantarfaciitis in my left foot was acting up the whole run and it's still sore.  As I was thinking about the difference between running with each of my running buddies, and feeling discouraged that if I can't keep up on a 3 mile run, I'll never finish a 26.2 mile run, I read my horoscope yesterday...

We ended up finishing our 3 mile run at a 12:33 pace, and 37 minutes.  The treadmill on Thursday was definitely easier!  I have a long way to go, but I feel hopeful! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Week 3 Day 2.... weights at the gym... and some yoga.

I met my cycling wife (and Vanderkitten sista'… which I might start referring to her instead) at the gym for some ass kickin' on Thursday.  So instead of running with the dog in the morning, I figured I'd just do my run on the treadmill.  I set my new Garmin to start and I jogged (almost) happily along, chatting the whole time at what ended up being an 11:33 pace.  I was sweating like a pig but otherwise totally fine.  15 minutes into my run, childcare came out and told me I had to change my daughter's poopy diaper.  So I paused my Garmin, ran in there, changed her, jumped back on the treadmill 4 minutes later and hit resume.  Well, at the end of the run, it posted to Garmin Connect with those 4 minutes taken out, but when it linked to Strava, it just showed I was basically standing still for those 4 minutes and it made my pace look like I sucked.  It really bugs me that when you pause your Garmin, Strava apparently doesn't know it.  Sometimes moms have to pause!  I had to delete my run and enter it back in manually.  Super disappointed.  I even wrote them on the help forum and didn't hear anything.

Anyway…  Spent a bit at the gym after doing a lot of planks, lunges, and wall sits… and laughing.  Good times!

And then yesterday I took a yoga class at the new gym that just opened up a mile from my house.  (Really excited it finally opened)  My goal is to take a yoga class at least once a week (probably Friday morning).  It's so great for stretching.  I love yoga but I really hate looking at myself in the mirror compared to everyone else in the room.  (Still have fat girl syndrome, remember?)

I'm hoping yoga helps save my back since it feels like it's on the verge of snapping lately (and with the chronic disc issues I have, it probably is.)  Last Saturday after the 4 mile run with BFF, I was standing at Starbucks waiting for my coffee and tilted sideways to lean on the counter and my back tweaked and sent shooting pains straight through me.  I stood there super casually, dying inside, waiting for my coffee until I thought it was safe to move again.  And then on Thursday in between wall sits, it did it again.  I saw stars.  It killed.  I stood there super still until it went away.  Vanderkitten sista' called me Tin Man since I said I was stuck and couldn't move.  So I started squeaking "Oil can!'  Oh man I definitely need an internal vertebral oil can or something.  I'm going to try to be better about taking my AdvoCare Joint Promotion.  Hopefully between that and yoga, it'll start feeling better.  I'm really surprised it hasn't "gone out" and sent me to the floor yet though since it does that maybe twice a year.

Oh, and I almost forgot… Vanderkitten sista' took a sweaty selfie of us to put on the Vanderkitten group page and she wanted to get Ophelia (the cat on her jersey) in the photo so she took the selfie from a low position.  I was thinking, "Ugh, this is going to be the worst selfie ever."  Surprisingly, I have no double chin and actually look pretty good!  (I mean, besides the sweat and frizzy hair.)  I wonder when I'll be cured from my fat girl syndrome.

And one last thing… I really liked my horoscope yesterday.  Marathon here I come! :

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fat girl syndrome

So, you decide you want to lose weight.  You start eating better and working out, your pants start getting looser, your friends start complementing you on how great you look, you start feeling confident in yourself, you buy the next size down...  and so on and so forth.  You get stuck once in a while and hit a plateau and all of a sudden you feel huge.  You look in the mirror and it's like all the hard work you've done, and all the pounds you've lost are back.... only they aren't really back.  The scale stays the same, your clothes are smaller than they were before but it's like you've gotten used to your new body.  The complements stop and you're just you.

Does this ring true for anyone or is it just me?  I went from a size XL to Med shirts, and a size 18 to a 10 in jeans.  I can't shop at Lane Bryant anymore but I'm still the same shape.  I still have a big butt, big thighs, and big boobs so when I look in the mirror, I look the same as I always have.  I said I wanted to be a size 10 because I like my curves, but now that I'm here, I want to be even smaller.  Will I ever be happy with myself?  I mean, I think I look good, don't get me wrong... I feel confident and I think my clothes look great on me.  But I think they could look even better.  Why do I feel that way?

My mom got me a gift card to Kohl's for Christmas so I went shopping yesterday for new clothes.  I've always hated shopping for clothes so I tend to avoid it.  I'm happy with hand-me-downs... and I like shopping at thrift shops because I can go straight to the rack of jeans in my size and try on as many different brands and styles that I want in hopes one of them fits.  Yesterday I shopped the clearance rack for any shirt in a size medium.  They all look so small to me I think there's no way they're going to fit me but I toss them in my cart anyway.  Then I go search for Levi's because that's the brand of the one pair of jeans that currently fits me.  I grab 3 pairs in a size 10 long.  The waist looks so tiny.  There's no way these are going to fit.  I figure I must have just gotten really lucky with the pair I have on, and whoever owned them before me surely stretched them out.  Well, turns out every pair of jeans I try on fit like a glove, and one of the shirts was even too big.  I'm seriously baffled.  Why am I baffled?  I've worked so hard, and come so far!  I should be super proud of myself but I'm just in shock. 

So that's the fat girl syndrome.  Something in my brain still tells me I'm a fat girl.  I bought a new running hoodie a couple weeks ago and my BFF tells me I'm "swimming in it."  I said, "Oh that's because I bought an extra large."  She's like, "Why on earth would you buy an extra large?!"  "I don't know, workout clothes come tighter than other clothes.  I wanted to be comfy."  But then I check the tag and it says large.  "See!  And you're still swimming in it!" I'm not an extra large, and apparently I'm not a large either.  It takes some getting used to I guess.  It's been years, it should kick in by now.

And in conclusion... just for fun... here's one of the shirts I bought yesterday (In a size medium).  Yes!!  ....

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Week 3 Day 1 ~ Thoughts while running

Thoughts during my 30 minute run around my neighborhood today…

"Alright… ready… let's go.  Starting my new Garmin Forerunner 920… and my running mix on my iPod shuffle.  It's weird my phone is really just for emergencies and photos now.  Okay, let's try out this watch!  "Sit Athena." Okay, ta da!  It says to start.  RUN!

…..Ugh, the neighbor's dogs are outside.  I better run on the other side of the road so Athena doesn't try to dart over there.  Okay, we made it.  I wonder what happens to my watch when I stop at the intersection.  Ooh, it vibrates and knows I stopped!  How cool!  And now it vibrates again when I get going again.  Ugh.  Stupid dog.  I need to keep a good pace but I feel like I'm going so slow because I'm afraid she's going to run in front of me.  Wouldn't it suck if I fell and broke my leg or something and couldn't do the half marathon and couldn't go to Disneyland?!

….What the…?!  Stupid dog just crapped in the middle of the freaking road!!!  OMG.  Seriously?  My Garmin better stop while I pick up dog crap.  Ooh, it does!  Okay, now what do I do with this bag of poo?  Can I drop it in that person's trash can on the street?  Is this horrible of me?  It's gotta be better than just leaving it in the middle of the road, right?  Okay, we're off again.

….How long have I been running?  Only 6 minutes?!  I'm so out of shape!  I swear I've gone at least a mile by now.  I hate this.  My hip hurts.  This dog is driving me nuts.  Maybe I should run by myself next time. No, that wouldn't be fair, I got her so she could run with me.  Okay, I have to walk.  I'm dying.  No I can't walk!  I haven't even gone a mile yet!  Stupid headphones keep feeling like they're yanking out of my ears.  Let me see if I can pull them up out of my hoodie.  Ugh, now they're hitting me in the face with every step.  I need new headphones.  I wonder how much new headphones cost.  I hate this.  What am I doing out here?  I need to walk.

….I wonder which way I should go?  Two loops around the neighborhood should be about 30 minutes right?  I want to avoid that hill.  I'm not going to Eagle Landing Park.  I wouldn't make it back up.  Oh no!  There's a little hill coming up… I better walk.  Ugh what is wrong with me?!  I'm no where near the hill yet!  Why do I feel so defeated and give up before I even get there?  I can at least run until I GET to the hill.  I'm so discouraged.  Why am I doing this?  Heel stupid dog.

….My left foot feels numb.  I think my socks are too thick.  I think I need new socks.  Maybe I should buy those compression socks.  Aaaaahhhh!!!  Stupid headphones!  Stupid dog!  I'm so annoyed!  I'm so hot!  This base layer is too hot.  Today is too nice to wear the warmest base layer.  Why did I buy the warmest base layer?  This would have been nice on Saturday.  Today I'm too hot.  Should I take off my hoodie?  No, that would take too long and I'd have to take my headphones out of it.  Stupid headphones.  I really need new sporty headphones.  I wonder if the ones that go over your ears work well.  Why don't they make wireless headphones that don't use bluetooth?  Oh yeah, I need to take a selfie today for my blog.  I need to walk.  Ooh my watch says I'm done with my first mile.  13 minute pace.  Gotta go faster… but I want to walk!  I'll walk for a bit.

….Is that guy drinking a beer?  Did he really just get out of his car and walk up to his front door drinking a beer?  It's like 8am!  Who drinks beer at 8am?!  Wait… was he driving that car?  Did he just pull up?  Was he drinking a beer at 8am while driving?  Did he take his kids to school while having a beer for breakfast?  I sorta want a beer right now.  What am I doing?  I need to walk.  I don't want to do this 3 times a week for the next like… what… 18 weeks?!  I hate running…. gotta keep my pace up.  I'm so slow.  I'm so tired.  I really shouldn't have had a margarita last night.

…. What is this song?!  This is the most boring song ever.  Did I put this in my running mix?  This song sucks to run to.  It has no beat at all.  I need something more motivational right now.  Okay I have about 10 minutes left.  I guess I can cut this corner and head back to my house.  Heel stupid dog.  I would run so much faster without this dog.  She is freaking me the heck out.

….Stupid headphones.  This song is stupid too.  Maybe I should just take my headphones off.  Oh, there's another dog up there, Athena better not try to pull me over there.  Oh there's another runner.  I'll try to run really fast so I look really cool and then give him a smile and the "I'm an athlete too" nod.  "Good morning!"  Okay, 2 miles down.  Almost back home.  This watch is awesome.  I'm so hot.  I hate my headphones.  I need to take a pic of my watch for my blog.  I'll take my phone out and do it while running.  *click click click click*  There has to be something usable in there.

….Was that a needle on the ground?  My neighborhood isn't THAT ghetto is it?  I mean, there was that guy drinking a beer, but are there really people who are shooting up heroin on my street?  Should I go back and look and make sure that's what it was?  Should I report it to the police?  Maybe someone dropped an insulin needle.  That must be it.  There was that time my teacher at Emerson left her insulin needles in the bathroom when she got all loopy.  People with diabetes get loopy.  Someone probably dropped their needle.  I'm glad I don't have diabetes.  I'm glad I run.  I hate running.  OH THANK GOODNESS 30 minutes!  I'm done… and I timed it perfectly… right back in my driveway.  I really don't want to do that again on Thursday.  Why am I doing this?!"

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 2 Day 3 ~ 4 miles!

BFF and I "ran" 4 miles on the Centennial Trail on Saturday.  Very flat stretch of paved trail.  2 miles in until BFF's Garmin beeped, and then 2 miles back.  I put "ran" in quotes because we did intervals.  We did my favorite HIIT It 11 minute mix on Rock My Run over and over.  We'd walk/run/walk/run.  I would have preferred to run more but BFF didn't start training like she was supposed to and I figured I wouldn't beat her up as much as I could have.  I'm also still trying to train my dog Athena to not dart in front of us and kill us. (My face almost hit the pavement once!)  I even allowed us to run the shorter walk portions to make it even easier.  (I know you're reading this!  You have two weeks lady!  I won't be so nice on our next run!  You better get to training!) 

So here's some little comics that BFF put on her blog ...(

So, here's us, all stoked to run for our half

 And here's my thought bubble...

... and her thought bubble.

Hold on.  She thinks I "really enjoy running"!?!?  Do people truly enjoy running?  Running sucks.  My back hurts, my plantarfasciitis in my left foot flares up, my hips hurt.... etc... etc... While I don't have the "can't breathe, gonna die.." feeling anymore since I've worked my ass off for so long, my cardio is pretty good now.  I'm definitely not the happy runner my BFF has drawn.  I do however, want to run faster.  Not because I enjoy running fast, but because I want this painful hell to be over as soon as humanly possible.  I also think it's really fun to try to beat my previous PR.  It makes my run a game and it makes it tolerable.  AND I really enjoy getting outside in the fresh air, and going for a run or a ride on my bike is wonderful for that.  BFF keeps saying she wants to run on a track but I love these nice wooded trails.  You can say hello to fellow runners and cyclists and the scenery is nice.  Like I've said in previous posts, the Pacific NW is truly beautiful. 
Here's an awesome quote I found on Pinterest that perfectly describes me...
I truly wish something would switch in my BFF's brain to make her feel the same way so I didn't have to literally drag her along.  Right now all she thinks about is losing weight and feels like she's stuck, and can't.  I wish she'd look around and appreciate what an amazing life we live, and the amazing things our bodies can do if you put your mind to it.  The weight comes off as a side effect when you take care of yourself. 
Me, Athena, and BFF after our 4 miles

Friday, January 2, 2015

Week 2 Day 2… and Happy New Year!

Well, I cheated again.  I was supposed to run for 30 minutes according to my half marathon schedule and I didn't.  But it's not like I decide not to run, and I sit on my butt and eat french fries.  I went for a 50 mile bike ride around Lake Washington.

My husband told me that he, BFF's husband, and neighbor wanted to start the year off right and go for a New Years Day ride.  It's really kind of bugging me lately that I feel like I'm not welcome to come anymore.  I decided last year that I was going to train for the STP with our without my husband… and it took me forever to talk him into doing it with me.  Now it's turned into his thing, or a thing he does with the guys, and I feel like I'm not invited.  Maybe it's because I started running with my BFF, and the guys don't really have any interest in that.  But just because I'm running, and I don't have any ambition to do any longer distance than the STP again, doesn't mean I don't want to be included in some rides.  My husband thinks I'm nuts and he said when he says he's going for a ride, or down to the basement to get on the trainer, that it's just implied that I'm invited.  He thinks it's crazy to think I'm not.

Well, after I made a big deal about it, and got a sitter, and wanted to come along… I started feeling really nervous about it.  I really hadn't been on a ride since Cycle the Wave in September (besides maybe two rides on the trainer.)  I'm always the slowest in the pack, but what if I was so slow and out of practice that I annoyed them?  Even BFF had concerns.  She said, "Well if you go with the boys, you'll have to remember you're going with the boys.  They want to get a good ride in."  I said, "Are you calling me a wuss?  You think I can't keep up with the boys?"  She said, "No but you know how the boys can get just as much as I do." Well, crap.  She's right.  I was hoping my cycling wife would come with me, and if I got tired, we could just bail out across the bridge, but she's in Wyoming with family still for the holidays.  I went back and forth about going, not going.  And finally decided, screw it, I'm going.  I'm the only one that has done this route before, and I can at least make sure these boys don't get lost!

Well, I'm happy to say that even though I haven't been on a ride in almost 4 months, that it was just like "riding a bike" and it was totally fine.  It was cold but I'm so much better prepared with gear than I was at the start of the season last year.  New jacket, wool socks, shoe covers, glove liners…etc.  I wasn't out of breath or anything, but my legs were definitely on fire.  It was a good burn though. It was sunny, the lake was gorgeous, and we even saw bald eagles soaring.  It was so fun to pass other cyclists and runners yelling "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" all day.  Reminded me how much I love the camaraderie.

I'm looking forward to a 4 mile run this Saturday with BFF.  The guys are going for a ride in the morning while we have the kiddos, and then it's our turn to run.

Here's some pics from our ride…
Before we took off.  You can see how thrilled and cold I look compared to these guys!

Icy patches.  Brr!  
Ice on the pavement, and frost in the grass.
Bathroom break at Coulon Beach Park
Lunch stop at Lunchbox Laboratory in Bellevue